lix. bessie the cow is out to give me grey hairs, which isn't nice

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chapter fifty-nine

─── bessie the cow is out to give me grey hairs, which isn't nice

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          "𝕿ell me when this is over. This isn't fun." Brooke muttered, holding onto the statues arms as they took us across the land.

"Everything's fine," I promised.

"Are...are we very high?"

I looked down. Below us, a range of snowy mountains zipped by. I stretched out my foot and kicked snow off one of the peaks.

"Nah," I said. "Not high at all."

"We are in the Sierras.'" Zoe yelled. She and Grover were hanging from the arms of the other statue. "I have hunted here before. At this speed, we should be in San Francisco in a few hours."

"Hey, hey, Frisco!" our angel said. "Yo, Chuck! We could visit those guys at the Mechanics Monument again! They know how to party!"

"Oh, man," the other angel said. "I am so there!"

"You guys have visited San Francisco?" I asked.

"We automatons gotta have some fun once in a while, right?" our statue said. "Those mechanics took us over to the de Young Museum and introduced us to these marble lady statues, see."

"Hank!" Chuck cut in. "They're kids, man."

"Oh, right." Hank shook his head. "Back to flying."

We sped up, so I could tell the angels were excited. The mountains fell away into hills, and then we were zipping along over farmland and towns and highways.

Grover played his pipes to pass the time. Zoe got bored and started shooting arrows at random billboards as we flew by. Every time she saw a Target department store—and we passed dozens of them—she would peg the store's sign with a few bulls-eyes at a hundred miles an hour.

I held onto the hilt of Backbiter and looked at the scenery around us, whilst Brooke practiced drawing runes on her hand. 

"You did good back there," Brooke kicked my leg. "Zeus listened."

"Yeah, he owed me after Thalia,"

"How did you get away from the skeletons in the generator room, anyway? You said they cornered you."

I told her about the weird mortal girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who seemed to be able to see right through the Mist. Brooke snorted momentarily, as I cocked an eyebrow.

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