xliv. awkward conversations are my specialty

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chapter forty-four

─── awkward conversations are my specialty

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          𝕿halia had been taken to the med bay soon after, with neither Annabeth or Luke seeing her, nor her seeing them. The next few days at camp had been tense.

Chiron had decided that the emotional strain on both Luke, Annabeth and Grover, meant that none of them should talk to Thalia, let alone catch her up on the past six years that she had been gone for. It was also decided that she probably shouldn't meet me just yet either, considering she also didn't know that she had a cousin who was, supposedly the same age as her.

At least, I think we were the same age. 

Chiron had said that when she was a tree, Thalia had aged slower, making her now younger than me, at fifteen, whereas she should have been my age. Instead of aging 6 years, she'd aged 3 and no one could really work out why. Not like there was a book on How to Care for your Best Friend after she died and got turned into a tree.

It would be super helpful if there was one.

Now, nearly a week later, Thalia had been discharged back to One, and Luke, Annabeth, me and Grover, were all trying our best to avoid her. No one really knew how to have that conversation, but on top of that, Annabeth was still avoiding me and Luke.

It was a somewhat shit show.

"Why are you distracted?" Luke's sword swung towards me, and I ducked, dodging backwards. Slicing upwards, I kicked the back of his knee as his mind faltered.

"I could ask you the same question." He huffed, before finally coming to a stop. Sweat was beading at his brow, and he pulled his shirt off for a fresh one. I was already in a sports bra, the July heat practically sweltering. Scratching at my scars, I grabbed Luke's water bottle and began to drink. "We can't keep avoiding them."

"We can."

"We really can't." I pointed out, looking up at my boyfriend. He was staring at his bag, meticulously getting the sand out of his sword and ignoring eye contact. "Babe..."

He continued to ignore me.

"Luke." I touched his side, nudging gently until he looked down at me. "We can't avoid them forever, we have to speak with them."

"That's easy for you to say."

"They are your family." I pointed out. "You know them better than anyone."

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