⤷‧₊˚ blush [nervous levi x reader]

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Enjoy <3



It's about 2am and I'm still doing paperwork.

Actually, that's a fat lie. I just can't stop thinking about this girl.

Her name is (YN) fucking (LN) and I cannot erase her from my mind.

Every time I walk past her or even look at her, my face heats up and butterflies invade my stomach. I thought I was ill at first but I'm not, I'm Humanities Strongest for crying out loud. I can't get sick?!

I really, really like her.

I have risky options about seeing Hange about this. Yeah, it's dangerous asking her for advice but what else can I do?

She's probably awake anyway and even if she is asleep, she will be dreaming about doing god knows what with her precious ass titans.

Fuck it.

I scramble out from my room and head to Hange's lab.

"Oi, shitty glasses open this door now!" I ordered, not giving two shits about waking up cadets.

"GAHFEJSK" I hear a loud thump then silence.

"Tch, OPEN THIS DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN!" I'm getting impatient, the fuck is going on?

Then, the door abruptly swings open and bangs on the other side, revealing a rather... flustered Hange.

"Four eyes? Let me in then and stop staring".

"Tch, I understand you were having dreams about your titans, but do please open the door when I say so" I scoffed walking to a chair and sitting down.

"How did you kn- mhm don't worry I won't repeat it again" Hange said nervously, clearing her throat.

She sat down at her desk, pushing up her glasses whilst wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Her and eyebrows definitely make a good match...

"Don't look at me like that you shitty psycho..." I said giving her a 'wtf' look.

"Well, I am very surprised to see you hear at this time at night! What brings you to my lovely lab?"

I clear my throat preparing for the worst. "It's about...(YN)..."

Hange's eye lit up as she jumped from her desk and slammed her hands down, making me flinch.


"OI, SIT DOWN AND LISTEN" I shouted, still not caring about the cadets waking up from the ruckus.

Hange squeaked and sat, waiting for me to proceed.


I told Hange about the effects (YN) was making me feel and that I do actually like her.

I swear to the love of the Walls, I might have to restrain this animal. Throughout the whole conversation her face looks like shes constipated.

Any who, four-eyes gave me a book full of 'pick up lines'. I don't even know what they are but apparently, I have to memorise them and tell them to (YN).

'This is the only time I'm trusting four-eyes; she better not make me a fool'.

I exit her lab with the book in my hands, leaving a squealing woman behind as I make my way to my office.

This better go to plan.


I head down to breakfast, dressed and ready for the day.

As I open the double doors to the noisy mess hall, I collect my try of food, looking for somewhere to sit.

Captain Levi abruptly sees me and shoots up from his seat, catching a few eyes of fellow cadets.

I eye him questionably. "Sir?"

His face is flushed red, nervously looking at me.

"E-er do you want to sit here?" Levi questions sitting back down, not forgetting to send a few glares at the staring cadets.

"Sure" I accept and sit down opposite him.

It's so awkward

We are the only ones on the table, where are the other higher ups?

My crush is staring at me as if I've completed a miracle

"Captain? Do you need something?"

Then he winks at me and goes back to eating like nothing happened.

What in the flying fucks is he playing at?

"Hey (YN) I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away"


"Sir are you high?!"


I feel his forehead but he isn't hot?

He grabs my hand and puts it on his chest as he smirks.

"Go ahead feel my shirt, it's made of boyfriend material!"

I blush furiously as I slowly slip my hand out of his grasp and stand up. Yeah, I really like Levi romantically... but what the hell is he doing.

"Sir you're not okay, I think Hange has put something in your drink".

"But (YN), if you were a vegetable, you would be my cute-cumber!"

I almost choke and slowly walk out of the mess hall with Levi still smirking at me.

I stare at him as if he had grown taller than Bertolt and walk to my room contemplating his future.

Is this way of trying to get me on a date or something?

If he likes me, he could just grow a pair and tell me.


I'm currently getting ready for bed when a knock on my door erupts.

"(YN) open up, it's your Captain".

Oh god

I hesitantly open the door to reveal Levi. He immediately walks in and sits on the edge of my bed. Leaning on the wall by the door, I wait for his request.


He jumps up and starts talking really fast with a desperate face.

I grab his hands to calm him down.

"Woah woah woah stop Levi. Look, those pick-up lines were really shit, but you could just tell me that you like me".

"Y-you know I like you?"

"They were pickup lines after all"



"Come here" I order opening my arms.

He walks over and accepts my open arms, wrapping arms around my waist, with mine around his neck.

I stare at his steel grey blue eyes before kissing him slowly. He's shocked at first but kisses me back.

We both pull away after a few seconds, blushing like there's no tomorrow.

"I like you too" I said breathlessly, smiling.

He gives a small smile before hugging me lovingly, burying his face on my chest.

Who knew a guy like him would be so submissive.


Sorry if it seems a bit rushed.

Please vote, I would highly appreciate it!


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