⤷‧₊˚ hold [frightend levi x reader]

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Hope you like this oneeeeesjgfkrshjos.

Also thank you again for 300+ reads lol.

(Blood and graphic scenes are used)



It was happening again. Every single night. He was now frightened of even closing his eyes, fearing of being welcomed to the same scene again and again.

But now he couldn't help but enter the scene. No matter what he did, there was no route to escape. Blood and screams filled the air. His eyes and hands were frantic, shaking in fear. However, he was frozen, stuck. He could not move - but only hopelessly watch his comrades and friend's get devoured and ripped into shreds by the bloodlust monsters. With the monster's razors knawing on their bodies, crimson gore covers and splatters on him as he calls their names under his breath.

Please come back.

Don't leave me.

No...it was now her who was screaming her pleas and last words of terror as her eye's locked on the man.

He screamed and cried out her name.

But all he could do was use his voice. Staring, as the love of his life - the woman who he promised to protect, the woman who promised to stay alive for - was getting ripped into pieces in front of him.


A voice echoed through Levi's ears. It was her – but, no... she's dead?

"It's okay, you're safe"

The voice was so soothing yet he couldn't find the source. How can he still hear her voice? But gradually his sight was growing brighter each second. The bloody scene disappearing each second as he stood in bewilderment.

"Levi, wake up now, I'm here". It was her voice again as he was brought back to reality.

Levi shot up from is bed, causing you to jump back, but still held him and rubbed his back. His breathing was heavy as he held his hair. Feeling his face, he recognised the wet substance.

Was I crying? He thought.

As it was quite dark, you turned to the side table and switched on a warm – coloured lamp, just to make the scene tenderer and comforting. Then returning to the fragile man, soothing him.

Whispering in the softest voice you can "You're safe, home with me".

His breaths slowed down as he left go of his hair facing you. Staring at you in bewilderment with his red eyes.

She's okay.

She's alive.

"Do you want to talk about it, love?" you kindly offered taking his hand and rubbing his knuckles.

Relaxing in your touch, his eyes softened at the name.

He's loved.

Looking down he almost inaudibly murmured "Just".

Reaching down and taking your arms, he wrapped them around his torso and lean into your neck.

"Just hold me".


Your heart warmed- and you securely held onto him, cradling like a child. You would never refuse the actions. You would do anything to make Levi happy and loved, knowing the dreadful past he has had to deal with.

Softly, you rocked back and forth, rubbing his back or playing with his hair whilst whispering soft and comforting words – anything to make him calm and forget about the terrors he had witnessed.

"You're so brave".

"You're so strong".

"You're so gorgeous".

You also ignored the drops of tears onto your skin and shirt, or the small shivers every now and then, but letting him emit his emotions without any judgement, knowing he could only do it with you - the one he truly trusted and loved the most. He wouldn't dare to cry in front of anyone else nor being pitied.

This had happened every now and then – waking up to his whimpers and comforting. Yet you didn't mind it at all. Though Levi disliked the feeling of waking you up from your sleep, he couldn't resist but to hold onto you.

Cuddling his delicate frame, you looked down as he peeked his head to gaze at you. His tears and soft cries seemed to size, so you softly smiled, and brought your palms to hold his cheeks, wiping his tears slowly.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" you softly murmured, but his eyebrows furrowed and tucked his head back into your neck, hearing your heartbeat– and you understood the message.

His voice was shaky and vulnerable, yet he still didn't like feeling weak in front of you.

He slowly placed his palm on your soft skin still with his head in the crook of your next, relaxing the slightest as he felt the thumps.

You grasped why. And of course, you wouldn't fight back and force him to sleep, knowing that he didn't want to go back to the horror of what he saw – it was so vivid that it was almost real.

So, you gently laid back, letting him rest onto of you, still letting him listen to the soft heartbeats – reminding him that you're alive, well, healthy and that you are his, and he is yours.

You quietly reminisced the precious memories you experienced together. Like when you first met, his snarky remarks seemed to soften as he laid eyes on you. Or when you both had your first date, up on the roof watching the stars – sharing your pasts and dreams. When you both confessed to each other - giggling as you said how nervous he was. Then, you mentioned your first kiss, which was also his first. You both would never forget that.

He adored every single word you spoke. He even found himself softly smiling, forgetting he had ever had the heart-breaking vision.

He couldn't help himself but let his eyelids flutter close to the soft, loving hums of yours.

And fell asleep, dreaming of a wonderful future for the both of you.


I really like this one. I hope you guys liked it also.

Pls comment and vote, I'd loved to see your reactions.


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