⤷‧₊˚ free [levi x death faker reader]

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Weird title, ik.

We basically faked out death.

*evil laugh*


"A woman named Y/n L/n, aged 28, has gone missing earlier this morning. As you can see the following images appearing on the screen and if anyone recognises them, please contact police immediately. Family and friends are distraught by the sudden disappearance but are trying their best to search for their loved one".

Legs up on the table, resting lazily on a sofa.

Grabbing handfuls of popcorn watching the news.

You stifle a chuckle - watching as everything panics over your disappearance.

With a big grin and a sigh, you switch off the TV.

Getting ready to go out shopping, you walk out of your apartment.

Walking past a fellow neighbour they wave with a half-smile "Morning Vespa!".

"Hey Marco" you wave back.

Of course, you had to change your name if you were 'dead'.

So, your name was now Vespa Grey.

He walks side by side with you down the stairs.

"Did you hear about that girl, Y/n, who disappeared?" he says with distress.

"Yep, so sad right?" you say convincingly.

He nods "I hope she is found safe" he double takes at you.

"Heh, you both look similar, except you have red hair and green eyes, but you have similar face structure!" he says with a wide smile.

(If you already have red hair, just pretend it's a different shade. If you already have a green eye colour, change it to brown)

You feel a wave of panic surge through you.

Calm down, he doesn't suspect anything...

"Yeah well, coincidence I guess" you chuckle.

He laughs back and departs as you enter outside "See you!"

You smile and wave before going your own way.

"Holy shit..." you trail on.

Entering a clothes shop, you bought some hot clothes.

You love black - all black clothes with black belts are a blessing to wear.

You put the clothes down for the cashier to charge you and pack the clothes in the bag.

The cashier lady looked up to you with her thick black eyebrows "That will be 60 pounds please". (sorry if you're not british)

You got out your wallet as she stared at you.

Pulling out £60 in cash you handed it to her open hand.

She stared at it for moment with a questionable look, before looking back up to you.

"Do you have a debit or credit card miss?" she asks.

You shake your head "No".

If you had a credit card – you would be busted and found immediately.

So, you got a load of cash stuffed in your house.

I'm not a drug dealer, I'm not a drug dealer, I'm not a drug dealer,

"O-oh okay" she stutters before proceeding with the payment.

Handing the bag with the new clothes "Have a good day miss".

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