⤷‧₊˚ panic [levi x abused reader]

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This will be sensitive so just a tw here, but i made sure it doesn't get too intense or triggering

My heart goes out to everyone who has experienced these types of acts.

Lastly, another update. I want to get these posted so I can start posting my new fic ksjdkejsj.

(EDIT: I am so sorry for this other update, I've re-read this and saw the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes. Please forgive me)



Silently in his car, Levi driveshome from a long day at work.

Working as a policeman is hard work, dealing with many types of people.

So now all he wanted to do is sleep.

Suddenly his phone starts to ring, he quickly glances at the name and grimaces.


Though he doesn't know, Levi despises the man.

Lucas, your boyfriend of 4 months.

Just as the moment Levi was going to confess to you that he loves you, Lucas jumped in and made you his girlfriend.

It hurt Levi deeply, however he accepted it as he wanted you to be happy.

On the inside, during the 4 months, it still makes his heart ache to see you with Lucas.

However, recently you have started to become distant to not only Levi, but other friends.

And Levi had barely got to see you.

Only times he would see you is when you were busy or with Lucas.

You also weren't smiling a lot - the times you were, he sensed that it was clearly fake.

He was good at reading people.

And it seemed you were getting, unhappier as time passed.

Maybe it was stress?

Maybe Lucas is responsible...?

He clicked his tongue at his thinking.

It can't be.

Levi didn't realise the phone was still ringing until it stopped.

He couldn't answer now that he was driving.


Parking up, he decided to call you.

You're were still at work, so you might need picking up.

Or so he thought.

Clicking on your contact's name, it started to ring.

It rang and rang, still no picking up.

Then, as much as he didn't want to, he called Lucas.

1 ring and it immediately answered.

"Lucas, are you busy?" Levi asked, disgusted at his name slipping of his tongue.

Some shuffling was heard before a response "Yeah I am, what is it?"

"Tch, tell Y/n I'm picking her up" he says with slight harshness.

Levi then heard a female's voice in the background, but distant.

"Don't-! Hel-" he heard, but it was muffled.

Levi then hears more shuffling before hearing Lucas say "Shut up!"

Levi's eyebrows furrow at his behaviour.

oneshots ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now