⤷‧₊˚ sir [angry levi x flirtatious reader]

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Hey guys, lemme first say thank you ssoososos much for 70+ reads, we are so close to 100! The reader isn't really flirty but is a little, however you are also a bit of a prankster in this also.

Enjoy <3



I'm currently serving a 'punishment' from Captain clean fairy, just because I let my horse let out some waste on his shoe.

It's a normal humanly action!? What a drama queen...

So here I am with a rag and a bucket, wiping the already clean window ceils, whilst the old hag is leaning back on his chair reading a book, legs crossed like he fucking owns the place.

God he is so hot.

I hear some annoying little cadets, screaming and acting like children. I open the window and stick my head out.

"OI SHUT UP BEFORE DRENCH YOUR FAT ASSES" I shouted at them, feeling playful.

I hear Levi jump up and look towards my direction at the sudden outburst.

"Cadet L/n, care to quiet down? You're supposed to be cleaning, not bossing around cadets, that's my job" he scoffed.

"Sir, they're the ones who should quiet down actually, so I'm gonna do somethin' about it" I suggested.

Oh god he is so gonna hate me.

"Forget it, clean. Now".

I obviously ignored his order and swiftly turned, lifting up the full bucket of water. I peered down seeing the cadets looking up, unimpressed. Then, I lift up the bucket, pouring the water straight down onto the cadets, soaking them in water.



"Ffukcingbitchgonnapayforthistchtchtch" they all screamed, storming of whilst collecting some stares.

Well for me, I was absolutely screaming in laughter, tears brimming. This is so golden.

Levi. Well let's say he was furious. He stomped up chucking the bucket out of my hands and roughly pinning me to the wall.

I didn't flinch once, in fact I stopped laughing and smirked at Levi.

"Do.I.Have.To.Tell.You.Again.And.Again? Clean this room up now until I see not a speck of dust in this office you incoherent brat!" he screamed in my face, furious.

The shorter the person, the angrier they look.

I kept my smirk, proudly. "What if I don't sir?"

"I'm gonna- going to give you a whole year in stables cleaning up shit!"

"Oh sir please, put me in my place". I barked seductively.

His face flushed slightly red, rows furrowing at my boldness, taking a move to lean back. But he still kept his angry posture.

"Curse you L/n..." he hissed.

Short people like you are closer to the ground and closer to Satan, so I wouldn't say that if I were you.

I grinned evilly in satisfaction, whilst slipping out of his grasp walking to the door.

"O-OI, where do you think you're going?! You have a room to clean, get your ass back here Cadet L/n!" he was officially fuming, following after me.

I snickered slipping the door open and exiting, not before replying "I like it when you yell my name, sir".

I saw his eyes widen and face growing red like a tomato as I skipped happily out the door.

Heh, good one y/n.

Whilst you were getting a drink of water, still with that sadistic smile plastered on your face, Levi was currently recovering from the unusual yet flustering events that occurred in his office. In the bathroom, he was washing his face whilst cursing and muttering under his breath.

"That woman is going to be the death of me..." he breathed out, defeated.

Skipping back to the office, with a mop in my hands to clean the floor, I entered the office with a bang.

I didn't even get more water... oh my y/n you are one dumb child.

"Hi Cap!" I greeted sweetly, ignoring the insult to myself.

"Tch, don't think I forgot about your punishment. I'm adding an addition to that as you left my office without me dismissing you, so you're going to clean the mess hall".

What!? This dwarf!!

"Don't be so short-tempered sir, I think I'm coming along with a headache...".

I exhaled frustratingly whilst walking to the bucket, not forgetting to trip the fairy.

"You little - OI COME BACK HERE!" he growled, standing up swiftly storming over to me, who was a laughing maniac.

He roughly gripped my collar making me meet with his stormy blue eyes. I curtly winked at him.

No wonder they call him humanities finest...

"What's wrong sir, you quite bothered, need a dump?" I calmly suggested.

He scoffed and muttered "Tch, the things I'd do to you...".

I smirked, hearing what he said. I leaned my face closer to his maintain eye-contact to the point our lips were almost touching. He flushed red, glancing at my lips then eyes repeatedly.

"Hmm, what would that be? I would love to see what you've got in store...".

Let's say, thing's got a bit spicey.


I really liked this one feksjibgjghigg ;)

Vote n comment pls!


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