⤷‧₊˚ silence [jealous levi x hurt reader]

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soooo like yk we r in a relationship but levi is jealous.

but ofc he doesn't know the reality of the relationship!

a little violence (tw) but mostly just the boyf being a possessive and controlling ass hole.



Sterling pats the grassy patch next to him, signalling for you to sit.

Your lips go tight - holding in a blush - and sit beside him.

Sterling's blue eyes meets yours.

His light brown hair is neatly cut - shaping his soft facial structure.

His lips curl into a smile as he reaches for your hand, holding it delicately.

"I've been keeping these feelings to myself for a while, but I've come to the point of where-" he stops for a moment, taking in your curious expression.

"-Where I can't stand a second away from you" Sterling finishes with a tilt of his head.

Your lips part, taking in his words.

A growing blush appears on your cheeks as you stare at him - speechless.

Sterling watches you for a moment, then a sad smile shows "Listen, I know it might be a shock. But, I am convinced you feel the same...right?"

Is he?

I guess he's right.

Your throat visibly moves as you swallow and shake your head.

"Sorry, I just-" you turn your head away from his handsome face.

"Yeah...I feel the same. I really, really like you" you say.

Cheeks growing redder at your unintentional breathlessness.

You hear Sterling let out a breath - a small chuckle following.

His soft fingers grasp your chin, turning you to meet his eyes.

"You make me complete" he murmurs quietly, before moving closing to you.

You close your eyes in anticipation, then, his lips touch yours.

Your lips move with each other affectionately as his hands rub your burning cheeks.

Grey eyes narrow, watching the couple sitting on the grass.

He leans off the building, scoffing and walking away.

Not being able to handle any more knives in his heart.


"Hey, sweetheart, sit with me" Sterling calls as you enter the mess hall.

It had been a week since you admitted your feelings to each other.

And you both couldn't be happier.

You look over to him and nod with a smile, being turning and grabbing a tray of food.

As you take the tray, beside you, you see Levi also taking his.

You incline your head to him "Hey Captain" you say casually.

You both have been good friends for a while.

He doesn't turn his head, but simply gives you the side eye.

"Hm" he hums in acknowledgment before turning to walk to his table.

Eyebrows knitted, you watch the back of him as he sits.

oneshots ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now