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You woke up in a box all drenched in water you looked around you and saw a lot of boxes and noticed the box you were in was going upwards. Doors opened and a blinding light was in your vision. You covered your eyes and tried to adjust to the light. You saw a group of boys standing around the box. A boy with blond hair and striking eyebrows hoped into the cage. 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒉𝒂. you scrambled into a corner and held your knees to your chest."It's a girl" he told the others. Another boy with dirty blond hair also jumped into the box. "Hey it's okay we won't hurt you" He had a thick british accent. He slowly walked over to you while the other boy stood in his place not moving one single bit. "where am i?" You asked the boy with the british accent. "Your in the glade, I'm Newt and that is Gally Alby will introduce you to the rest later will you please come out of the box with us?" He asked politely holding out his hand. You took his hand and he helped you up and out of the box.

A couple of greenies later

It was time for the box to come up again everyone gathered around it and waited for the box to open. In it was a boy with brown hair looking really confused. "Day one greenie rise and shine" Gally said jumping in the box. He threw him out of the box causing him to fall on his side. The greenie let out a groan before getting up and running. "We got a runner!" Zart cheered while the greenie was still running. But suddenly he fell face first and rolled on the ground for a little. He got up and looked around. You started walking towards him. "Hey are you alright" he looked up at you horrified. "Where am I what is this place" he asked raising his voice. "Your in the glade" you answered him. He looked really confused. Alby came and and gave him the toor.

At the bonfire

You were looking at the fighting boys, of course Gally kept winning. Newt was showing the Greenie around. Another Glader bumped into the greenie as he was thrown out of the circle. The Greenie stumbled back. Gally looked at him with raised eyebrows. "wanna try greenie" he said motioning for him to come in the circle. "stop calling me greenie" he growled. "what do you want me to call you, shank?" The gladers laughed."does he look like a shank? i think i settles with shank". the greenie stepped in the circle. The gladers started cheering him on. "okay rules are i try to push you out of the circle and you try to last longer then five seconds, alright?" he asked while the Gladers laughed. He stepped into the circle and Gally ran up to him and pushed him against a couple of boys who pushed him back into the circle.  Gally went to tackle him again but the Greenie tackled him instead. Everyone was cheering on the Greenie.  Gally got up and tackled him. The greenie groaned in pain. before he started mumbling something. "thomas"he stood up. "thomas, i remember my name it's thomas!" everyone looked at him he was smiling like an idiot. The gladers bursted into cheers calling his name. "okay everyone lights out" Alby called. 

fast forward to when they escaped the maze because i'm lazy and because this part isn't really important to the story i'll make the other chapters more detailed and longer if you know what I mean.

You were all rushed into airplanes. A man pulled his mask off "are you guys okay" he asked looking at all of you. When you were helped out of the airplane they walked you guys to a building. there were a lot of people working. "you kids doing alright?" a man who had just walked in asked."sorry about all the fuss. we had ourself a bit of a swarm" he said while you walked over. "who are you?" thomas asked standing in fron tof us. "im the reason your all still alive it's my intention to keep you that way, now come with me we'll get you kids squared away" he walked away while you still stood there. 

"you can call me mr. Janson. i run this place. for us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horror of the outside world.you all should think of it as a way station. kind of a home between home. watch yourselves." he said pointing upwards. "so that  means your taking us home?" Thomas asked walking to the front. Janson turned around "a home of sorts" he answered Thomas. he turned back around still walking. "sadly there wouldn't be much left of wherever you came from. but we do have a place for you. a refuge, outside the scorch, where WICKED will never find you again." he turned around again. "how does that sound?". Minho and Newt looked at each other for a second before Minho spoke up. "why are you helping us?" Minho looked at Janson with a bit of suspicion. "lets just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. were all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. unfortunately it also makes you a target as no doubt by now you have noticed. beyond this door lies the beginning of your new lives. First things first, let's do something about that smell." 

you, Teresa and the boys went to get a shower. you were all really happy to be able to shower again. After the shower they did some test took some blood gave you vitamins and all that stuff. Janson wanted to talk to Thomas while the rest of you were brought to a cafeteria with a lot of other people who where also in a maze. A boy across from you was telling a story about how they got out of the maze. "And the people that stayed behind. What happened to them?" Newt asked him once he was done. "i don't know" he shaked his head "i guess WICKED still has them". "For how long have you been here" you asked. "Not long just a day or two" he looked behind him. "That kid over there has been here the longest almost a week" you all looked behind him and saw a really cute boy sitting all alone with a hood on looking down. Then Janson walked in with a clipboard and started calling out names. "Where do they go?" You asked the boys from across you. "They go to some farm a safe place" he explained. You didn't quite trust it tho.

Okay so this was the first chapter sorry if I'm not gonna be that active because I'm having a stressing time at school right now

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