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After you ate you were put in a room with the boys. You were pretty tired so you went to sleep only to find out that you couldn't. While staring at the ceiling you heard something in the vents you were kinda scared so later still because the vents were underneath Thomas's bed. After a while of silence the sound appeared again. You decided to look so you quietly walked to Thomas's bed and got on your belly to see what it was. When you looked in the vents you almost screamed out in fear. Because in the vents was a cute boy laying on his stomach with his finger to his lips signaling you to be quiet. Once he made sure you weren't going to scream he made a motion for you to come with him. You were hesitant at first but decided to follow him. "Where are we going?" You asked he shushed you. When he came to a stop he motioned for you to look. When you did you saw doctors rush a table with a picture of a body and a white blanket on it rush in a room. "Everyday around this time they bring a new body in" he told me. We heard heard behind us we turned and saw Thomas sit there. He came over to us. "Why are you here?!" He whisper shouted at you. "Well i heard something from the vents and decided to look and then this guy was there and i followed him and he showed me that." You pointed to the doors. "Okay but next time when a complete stranger comes to our room in the vents wake one of us up okay?" He asked well more like said. You nodded even though you felt like you were being treated like a kid. "Let's go back" the boy said. "Wait what's your name?" You asked grabbing his arm but let go imidiatly when you realised you took his arm. "Aris" he responded before crawling back out of the vents. You and thank decided it was a good idea to get some sleep.

The next day at lunch

You went to sit with Aris while Thomas told everyone what happened. "hey is it okay if I sit here?" You asked he looked up at you and nodded. You had a great conversation and started to really like him.

A couple days later when they found out what they did with the people.

Thomas stormed into the room along with Aris. Everyone was asking Thomas an Aris questions while Aris looked really scared so you hugged him he gladly accepted the hug and hugged back. "What's going on!" Newt asked. "it's WICKED it's always been WICKED" thomas snapped tying a mattress against the door. You saw Janson and a couple of guards walking towards your room. You were still holding Aris and he was still holding you. " Come on Aris you know the vents the best lead the way" Thomas told him. You went into the vents and found a way out. "you guys go ahead i have to do something important" Aris told you. "i'll go with him" Winston said. While Thomas nodded. They went into the vents again. While you and the boys were walking to find Teresa you bumped into one of the doctors. She looked at you with a suspicious look before the alarm went off and you captured her. You  stormed into the room she told you Teresa was and saw her laying on a hospital bed. Thomas and Newt broke the window/mirror  and Teresa put her vest on it. You all ran down the hallway and tried to open the door. But then Aris and Winston opened the door. You ran to then and hugged them both. But held onto Aris for a little longer. Then the doors closed and Thomas ran he made it just before the door closed. He looked at Janson while Aris ran and broke the lock. Thomas gave Janson the middle finger while you walked out of the building into the desert. You and Aris walked next to each other pretty close arms brushing against each other.

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