n i n e

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(newt didn't die) 

When you arrived they got Thomas to a hut to patch up his wounds you and Newt were chatting when he looked behind you. He made up a lame excuse to leave and walked away. You turned around and saw Aris walk up to you. You slightly panicked but then Thomas walked out and you walked up to him. You hugged him and talked for a little when he left to talk to Newt you decided to not avoid Aris anymore. You walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and gave you a small smile. " do you wanna go for a walk? " you asked he nodded and you walked to the beach. "what's wrong y/n you have been ignoring me ever since we found the right arm " he said rather sadly. Yo ulooked in his eyes and sighed. " well i didn't want to come in between your relationship " you told him honetsly. " what do you mean realtionship? " he aksed you looked at him confused and tilted your head a little " you and sonya? " you asked/told him. He shook his head no and started laughing a little. "no were not dating i actually like someone else " he said you looked at him and felt a little sad that he liked someone else but were happy for him that he found someone you nodded your looked at the sand. " can I tell you about her? " he asked you looked up again and nodded your head. " well she is really really pretty no scrap that she's absolutelly stunning. she has beautiful eyes., beautiful lips, hair, everything about her is just stunning. She's really funny and sweet. and can always make me smile. she's just an amazing person" when he finished talking he had the biggest smile on his face. " do i know this amazing girl? " you asked and his smile got even bigger if that was possible. He nodded his head " i think yo uknow her really really well " he said nodding. " where is she i wanna know who she is " you said. " she is sitting on this beach rigth now " he said you looked around you but the only people on the beach were you and aris. " wait is it- is it me? " you asked pointing at yourself. he nodded and you smiled too. You hugged him and he kissed your head. "took you long enough to figure it out " he chuckled. " how was i supposed to know?  " you laughed " well i gave you a really good explanation of you " he laughed. You slapped his arm and kissed him. when you both pulled away you heard clapping and whisteling. "took you two love birds long enough to get together" Minho half-joked. You laughed and went to the bonfire and had a lot of fun. You and aris went to his bed and cuddled. 

a/n: okay so if you ahev any suggestions for the next chapter please let me know! <3

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