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" hey greenie. " Gally said. Gally. You were shocked but before your mind could even come to a logical explanation Thomas was already on top of him lunching him. Newt rushed over to him and grabbed a hold of his hand. " Calm down alright " newt said trying to stop Thomas from lunching gally again. Thomas looked at newt and then back at Gally. " He killed chuck " Thomas said voice cracking. " Yeah i remember i was there. But i also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind " Newt tried to reason with him. Thomas had a look on his face as if he was debating want to do. After a couple of seconds he got off of Gally and stood up. Gally stood up as well and rubbed his jaw. " Kinda had that coming anyone else? Newt? Fry? Winston? Y/n? " He asked looking at all of you. " Do you know this guy? " Jorge asked looking at all of you. " He was an old friend " Frypan said still not believing that Gally was standing in front of him. " How are you alive we watched you die " Newt said confused. " No you left me to die and we haven't found you when we did you would be dead right now " Gally said. You all looked down. " Why are you even here? " Gally asked. " WICKED they have Minho " Thomas said. " I can help with that " Gally simply said. He took you all to a guy names Lawrence. He didn't have a nose and his skin was almost red. You looked around and didn't follow any part of the conversation. Until it was time to leave. You just followed Newt and Thomas. You went down a ladder and came past the doors. You stood on top of a building and looked at the WICKED building. Gally said that there was the way in. You looked and saw Teresa. Happy explained the plan and you waited until she was leaving the building. That's when the plan started.

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