f o u r

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Jorge leaded you to a guy names Marcel he said that he could lead you to the right arm. Once you got there there was a party and a lot of people dancing after a while you were in a room at the back of the party. After a while you saw Brenda and Thomas stumbling along the room. Thomas ranted and you and Aris went to grab him and Brenda. Teresa took care of Thomas when Brenda was still awake. You and Aris were sitting together on the ground telling each other stories about your glades. "And then when teresa came she threw rocks at everyone and one hit gally on the head he was not happy" you told him laughing but feeling sad at the thought that he is dead. He laughed and told you stories about his glade. When thomas woke up you saw that Jorge was beating up Marcus to get him to tell him where the right arm is. After a while of beating up he finally cracked "okay Jezus. But I'm not making any promises these guys like to move around they have an outpost in the mountains but it's a long way away. Besides you got half of WICKED on your ass. Your never gonna make it" he laughed. "Not in foot" Jorge leaned over the chair "where's bertha" marcus looked scared "not bertha" he pleaded.

A while later you were sat in a car bertha to he specific. Jorge drove to the mountains until there were several cars on the road. Everyone got out of the car and Aris grabbed your hand. "Well I guess we're on foot" Jorge sighed. Everyone started looking through some cars when the crows started cawing. Thomas runner his hand over a car window with a bullet holes in it. There was a loud gunshot. "EVERYONE GET DOWN" Jorge told everyone. Aris pulled your hand and you hid behind a car together. You heard some whispering from Thomas and Jorge. "Drop it!" You looked up and saw two girls standing there one with blond hair in a messy braid/ponytail and the other one with big hair ties back together. "I said drop it!" She held the gin tighter "on your feet! Let's go!" She threatened "let's go, move!" Jorge and Thomas stood up. "back up!" "Easy" Jorge said hands in the air. "Don't be stupid move all of you!" You slowly stood up and walked towards them. The brown haired girl glanced at Aris. "Aris?" She asked he looked confused until she pulled her scarf away from her face. He stepped forward "oh my god harriet?" He asked. "My god what the hell are you doing here?" She asked hugging him he hugged back and the other girl also pulled her scarf down. "Sonya" he happily said for some reason you couldn't help but feel kinda jealous. They also hugged "Aris your lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass" she told him still hugging him when they pulled away Minho spoke up "uhm what's happening?" He asked looking as confused as the rest of us. "We were in the maze together" he said smiling at all of you. He smiled a little longer at you and you have him a sad smile back still being jealous. He looked a bit confused u til Harriet whiseled "were clear guys come in out!" She yelled and people came out of their hiding spots. "My god your alive" sonya said holding Aris's face and looking in his eyes.

Aris pov

"Back it up Joe!" Sonya yelled at a guy. "Back it up!" The guy yelled at the other people. "We're taking them to the base" Harriet told some people "how did you guys get here?" I asked Harriet and sonya. "The right arm got us out" she told us. "wait, wait the right arm you know where they are?" Thomas asked Harriet smiled and opened a car door "hop in" she said so that's what we did. She drove us to the right arm but the whole car ride i couldn't help but stare at y/n she is so beautiful. When we arrived I noticed Brenda acting weird she was breathing and walking weird.

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