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When you woke up you felt arms around you you turned around and faced a sleeping Aris. You brushed some hair out of his face and kissed his fore head. You raced his jaw carefully to not wake him up. After a little you started to fall asleep again since it was still dark outside.

A little later

you woke up from loud chanting outside. You woke Aris up and went outside. When you walked outside you saw a couple of people circling two guys who were fighting. Thomas and Gally walked over to separate them. They were both put apart and everyone went on with their day. You and Aris got some breakfast a d spend the whole day having fun together.

6 years later

You and Aris had been together for 6 years now and you couldn't be happier you were both 22 now. Everyone was sitting at the bonfire when it suddenly grew quiet and everyone looked at you and Aris. He stood up and pulled you up too. He got on one knee and pulled out a ring. " Y/n y/l/n we have been together for 6 years now and experienced some pretty crazy stuff but we did that together so, will you marry me?" He asked you had tears in your eyes and nodded your head. He stood up and hugged you tightly when you pulled away he slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you.

Wedding day

You were putting on your dress and the girls helped you with the rest. When you arrived at your wedding Gally was waiting for you. You grabbed his arm and he walked you down the aisle. You hugged him and walked up to Aris. " Will you Aris Jones take y/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife until death separates you?" "I do" he smiled " and will you y/n y/l/n take Aris Jones to be your lawfully wedded husband until death parts you?" "I do" you said with a smile and tears in your eyes. " You may now kiss the bride " Aris kissed you and everyone cheered. You lived a happy married life with your friend and the spirits of the ones who couldn't make it.

A/n: sorry i didn't upload for a while but this is the end of the story i hope you guys enjoyed it!

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