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Thomas put a hood on and stood with a crowd across from Teresa. When she saw him she gaped and started walking after him. When he turned a corner he his behind a small wall. Teresa looked around trying to find Thomas when he appeared behind her she turned around and gasped. again. "Thomas what are you doing here? "she asked him. He kept a blank face and shrugged. "i needed to know something. Do you regret it? what you did to us do you regret it? " he asked her still without expression on his face. " no i don't i did what i thought was right and i'd do it again" she answered him honestly. " good " he simply replied back. she looked confused but Gally had already put a bag on her head. They walked in the room and put her in a chair. She looked confused and scared then her eyes fell on Gally and she looked even more confused."how are you alive ?" she asked he didn't answer but started talking. " okay so here is how it's gonna go were gonna ask you some questions and your gonna answer them " he said. they asked her some questions until she looked at Thomas. Gally put a chair in fornt of her and sat on it. " don't look at him. why you looking at him? look at me. He's not gonna help you " he told her Thomas looked up with a small smirk on his face. You got some guard armors ( idk okay lmao ) and walked in the building. You let a lot of kids out of their "rooms" and Gally was openeing the safe trying to get the cure. You walked to the other side of the building to get Minho. Yuo stepped in an elevator and kept your guns out incase Teresa tried to run. When the doors were almost closed a hand came inbetween the doors to get them to open them again. Janson walked in and you, Newt and thomas looked at each other but kept your backs straight. " Thomas is here you know? " he said/ asked Teresa. " If you hear or see him i'll be the first you'll tell right? " he asked Teresa just nodded and kept silent. You got to where Teresa said Minho was and took him with you. Then there was a lot of shooting and they told you to go to Brenda and the bus. Wich you did. when you found her she opened the doors and you got in. You took of the helmet and the suit ( your clothes were underneath ) you drove off and got to where frypan was waiting for all of you. He got you to the other side of the walls and you got to the plane. You flew to find Thomas. When you found him yo usaw him and Teresa on top of a couple of buildings. You flew closer and Vince held his hand out for them to take but they couldn't reach it. Then Teresa kissed Thomas and helped him jump on the plane. Just as he hit the ground the building collapsed and Teresa fell with it. Thomas led out a scream and you looked at the place she was previusly standing. the plane flew away. away to safety.

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