t h r e e

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You all walked on the sand looking for any other people who didn't work for WICKED. More specific you were looking for the right arm. You were walking between broken buildings and broken cars until thomas said something. "look everybody hide!" He told you looking up at the sky there were WICKED helicopters. You all hid under a bridge that had fallen down a bit. You and aris were really close your shoulders touching and if you would turn your heads so would you lips. You waited a little before the helicopters were gone in the distance. You slowly crouweled out from under the bridge and started to walk again until it got dark. You didn't see any buildings were you could lay in or under so you slept in the open air. until thomas woke you all up looking. At a building a little farther away. "Look guys there are lights" after he finished his sentence you heard a loud lightning strike and stood up walking towards the building hoping to be safe. Aris walked right next to you hands brushing against each other. You haven't known the boy long but you two really bonded when you first met and ever since then you have had a fallen for the quiet boy. As you were walking well actually running you almost made it in the building when Minho got struck by lightning. Thomas and Newt carried him inside. Once inside Frypan got out a light and shone it through the dark building. Suddenly there were a lot of cranks trying to attack you guys luckily they were tied to poles and couldn't reach you but what you hadn't noticed was that Aris had pulled you behind him to protect you. After a while a young aged woman walked through the cranks towards you. "Welcome follow me" she said when you didn't move one inch she spoke again "or would you rather stay with them" she gestured to the cranks and you all walked after her you still behind Aris. Once you were inside she took you to an older man he started asking you questions. "Who are you, where are you going and where did you come from" he asked looking at each one of you stopping at Thomas. "We're looking for the right arm" Thomas told him. "Your looking for ghosts you mean" he chuckled. "Now my next question where did you come from?" He looked at the three j front (the ivy trio) waiting for an answer. "That's our business" Minho replied after a little bit of silence. "Okay then, Brenda" then suddenly the girl jumped on Thomas and scanned his neck. "You were right they came from WICKED" she looked at all of you in shock. "Hang them up" they took you to a place with a big hole in the floor and third your feet up and hung you up. "Great idea thomas listening to them" Minho sarcastically said. They came up with a plan to push you forward so you could lower them and untie their feet. After a couple of tries it worked you untied them and they were all on the ground again. Then there was an alarm and someone who sounded like Janson speaking. There was a bold ugly man stopping you from running until Brenda shot him. You all walked with her and saw you had to slide on a towel like thing to another building. You were kinda scared but Aris assured you that it would be fine. Once you made the other side Aris came when he landed you both hugged each other. Then after a couple of minutes the other building started to blow up and you all walked with jorge out of the other building going to who knows where.

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