Chapter 1

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❗️Please read this before starting the book❗️:
I made this book a while ago and didn't plan it out properly. I just went with it too quickly so don't expect much of it! I was also younger so it might be cringy 🏃‍♀️ This story has been discontinued because it wasn't going well in my opinion. But feel free to read it  and make up your own ending if you'd like! ❗️I've been working on my writing and I'm starting another story that hasn't been published yet so please have faith in me, my next story will be better, promise!❗️

—3rd person Y/n—
(Y/n = Your name|L/n = last name|e/c = eye colour|h/c = hair colour|h/l = hair length)

The city had been destroyed. Buildings ruined and fallen, trash and pieces of metal and concrete found everywhere, and no one to be seen. There had been a huge fight that lasted 4 hours. All Might had fought against 3 very powerful villains. He and the villains ended up destroying the city.

A little girl who seemed to be around the age of five walked through the city alone. She wore a black hoodie that was too big for her almost as though it was a dress, a small black skirt barely appearing under it. She wore a thick long scarf covering her neck as she tucked in her face to keep warm. Her (h/l), (h/c) flowing loosely behind her in the cold breeze. Shivering and occasionally sniffling as she walked barefooted on the cold concrete. Her cheeks were a light pink due to the cold air.

Warm tears filled her (e/c) eyes and streamed down her cheeks. She stopped and called out for her mother one more time hoping to get an answer, but once again, silence. She quickly looked back down and squeezed her eyes shut as more and more tears fell. "I hate him... I hate him! I HATE HIM!!" She yelled out her little voice echoing thru the empty dark city. Her home town gone... destroyed... by All Might. She felt a mix of emotions build up inside her. A mix of anger, sadness and confusion. She was confused because she used to look up to All Might. She always thought he was the greatest hero of all time and that he would always keep her city safe.

After the battle All Might was devastated of the destruction he had caused and left them to go to Japan. So now ( y/n ) was left all alone looking for her mother throughout the small empty city.

She never knew her father. He disappeared when she was just a baby. Every time she would ask where her papa was her mother felt an overwhelming sadness and anger wash over her as she tried to cover it up saying he went on a very long trip.

Her feet now had blisters all over and were bleeding from walking through the city for over an hour looking for her mother. She sat down against a wall, tucked in her knees and dug her face into her arms. "Mommy please come out I'm done playing hide and seek" She looked up her watery eyes blurring her vision as she looked around hopelessly looking to see if her mother would magically come out and give her a big hug.

Suddenly a sound of small rocks falling came from somewhere next to her. She looked to the side. A girl seeming to be a few years older than her came around the corner. Her blonde, messy hair loosely dangled as she leaned looking around before stepping out. The girl was dirty and had a few scars on her leg that bled slowly. She hadn't noticed ( Y/n ) until she heard a small sniffle. She looked to the side and saw the little girl sitting there red teary eyes. It was easy to tell that ( Y/n ) had been crying for a while. The blonde girl too had looked like she had cried but her tears were dried out now.

The girl made eye contact with ( Y/n ) and smiled. "I'm Himiko Toga. What's your name?" She asked a warm comforting smile across her face. ( Y/n ) blinked and felt a sudden safe feeling. It was something about her smile and her tone of voice that just made ( Y/n ) feel so comforted. "I'm ( Y/n ).."

~1st person Himiko~

I kneeled down next to her and said. " Nice to meet you ( Y/n )" She then smiled enthusiastically, turned around into a cross legged position and asked me. "How old are you? You look like an older girl"

"I'm twelve years old" Her eyes lit up as she looked at me.

"That's older than me! I'm five." She then said smiling. "My mommy said that I'm big girl because I'm five years old." She was the sweetest girl I ever met. It made me want to protect her with my life.

"Where's your mommy?" ( Y/n )'s smile faded away.

"I can't find her... She hid me in the basement and never came back so when I went to look for her I saw that everything was broken." Tears filled her eyes and she leapt into my arms her small hands squeezing the back of my shirt as she sniffles. I hug her tightly and gently play with her hair brushing it around her ear and petting her softly.

"My parents are gone too.. because of All might" I said frowning.

( Y/n ) looked up at me and sniffled. "What happen-ned?" Her breath shaky from the crying. I looked down at her relaxed my face and smiled. Something about her face made me adore her. She looked so innocent and adorable.

"My parents were villains." Wonder lit up in her eyes and her mouth opened slightly. "All Might got into a fight with them and hurt them very badly" I continued, looking at her in aw. A look of worry then appeared on her face.

"Are they okay?" She sniffled.

My eyes shifted to the side. "Let's just say they're in a better place." She smiled.

"That's good!" Oh how innocent she was I thought to myself.

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now