Chapter 14

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Aizawa looked at me with a stern expression. "Never thought you'd turn out to be a villain ( Y/n ). You really are unpredictable." I said nothing I only sat there staring back at him. "So tell me, why are you on their side?"

"They're like a family to me. I've been with them almost my whole life." I said.

"Almost? How did you meet them?" He asked curiously.

"I used to live with my mother. That was until Some villains attacked my city. All might fought against them but not without destroying everything, leaving my city ruined and abandoned." I paused taking a breath. "He ended up leaving abandoning everything and everyone. He left us. But that's when I met Himiko. She stuck with me and we eventually met the others and joined them."

Aizawa stood up without a word holding an unreadable expression in his face and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and sighed, resting my head back and looking at the ceiling.

. . . .

I woke up still strapped up in the chair. I guess I had fallen asleep. I heard a few bangs seeming to come from out of the room. And suddenly someone put a blindfold over my eyes. "Hey! What the-" A cloth then covered my mouth. It had a strange smell and it made me feel drowsy. I tried my best to keep myself awake but it was too strong and everything went blank.

. . . .
(Language warning)

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I noticed was that I was chained to a cement wall. My arms were held above my head and my feet were strapped shoulder width apart. "What the fuck..." I said still trying to fully wake up. I looked around me. I was in a windowless dark room. It was lit by one single light bulb just barely holding on as it occasionally flickered. It was empty and dirty with one metal door in left corner closest to me.

I struggled hopelessly to get loose for a bit but then the door opened and a woman whom I've never met or seen before walked in. She had long red and black hair, tied in a high ponytail with a few loose strands of hair. She was actually really pretty to be honest. She stood in front of me.

"Who are you and where the fuck am I?" I asked her.

"Call me Esme." She smiled.


She interrupted me by firmly saying. "Your questions will be answered, be patient." Her mood changed so quickly. I closed my mouth waiting for her to speak. "You're here because you need to be punished."


"I'm simply doing what those other heroes couldn't. I'm gonna be a hero myself and punish you my own way, because villains deserve to be punished."

"So what are you gonna do to me?" I asked trying not to sound panicked.

"Oh don't worry ( Y/n )," She stepped closer placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm gonna keep you alive... but just barely." She slid her hand off my cheek and left slamming the door behind her.

Shit. I sighed resting my head back. How am I gonna get out of this?

. . . .
Togas' POV
( Y/n ) still isn't back yet and we're all stressed as hell. Shigi had told her to be back in an hour but she's been gone all night. We sat in the living room, Dabi on the couch, me and Shigiraki in our own side chairs next to him.

The boys were arguing. "Shut up!" I finally said. They paused their argument and looked at me. "Your baby ass arguing isn't gonna get us closer to finding her. So smarten up and let's figure this out properly." Dabi let out an annoyed sigh and sat back in his chair. The same went for Shigaraki. "So does anyone know how we're gonna find her?"

"I can track her phone." Shigi said opening a computer that was left on the coffee table. He sat on the carpet in front of the computer. I went over and placed myself next to him watching closely. "What the hell...?" Dabi came over and squatted down. The computer then showed a map. Shigaraki zoomed in on her phones location. UA high?

"You have got to be kidding me. Those fucking heroes must've gotten her." Shigi sighed.

"Alright well, time to go get her then." Dabi stood and walked out. I looked at Shigi who looked back at me. I then sighed shrugging, and walked out as well to get ready with Dabi.

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now