Chapter 16

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Snapping out of my drowsy state, my eyes went wide. I pulled back and turned my head away. Her hand slipped away slowly. I shifted my eyes onto her messy state. She stood back now, looking to the floor. "Why did you.." my weakened voice trailed off waiting for an answer.

"Because I love you."

My mind swirled with questions and my brows scrunched together in confusion. "What? How?... Why?"

"I've been watching you (Y/n). For a long time." Her glimmering eyes looked into mine. "And in that time I grew attached to you; I feel you and me are alike and that we can truly understand each other."

"Look you may know me..." My breath hitched when a small wave of pain was felt from moving my arm. "But I have no idea who you are and what you want."

"Simple question with a simple answer (Y/n). I want you. I need you." I turned my gaze to the floor. Is she crazy? Something's seriously wrong with this woman. My thoughts couldn't comprehend everything Esme told me. "Like I said before, you understand me, as well as I do you. We've both suffered the pain of loss. We've lost our family... and a dear friend."

She stepped forward. I only wished to dash out of this building and get away. But even if I had the chance, my current state wouldn't do me much good. She spoke again. "You're the only person I feel connected to."

I was at a loss for words. I could feel my vision occasionally blur and my mind go fuzzy. But I fought to stay conscious as best as I could. These wounds are really getting to me... I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out and the blurriness took over again. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping it would make it go away, but a sudden loud bang caused me to open my eyelids again.

Dabi walked through the rubble from what used to be the door. Himiko and Shigiraki followed after him. "(Y/n)!" Himiko's worried voice sounded throughout the room.

"What the fuck did you d-"

Dabi was cut off by Shigi. "Not know Dabi. Go grab (Y/n) and get her out of the building."

I caught a glimpse of Dabi turning his gaze to me just before everything went blank.

Dabi's Pov

I looked to (Y/n) and noticed her beaten up state. Her body went limp and her head hung down. Shit. I ran to her and started trying to free her. I got her left hand out and it felt loosely to her side as her body leaned forwards. Once I got her right one I let her upper body lean over my shoulder while I freed her ankles.

Shigiraki and Himiko were busy fighting the woman. She had good fighting skills but I didn't see her use her quirk. Does she even have one? I focused on (Y/n) again once I finished freeing her. Holding her unconscious body over my shoulder, I rushed out of the room and headed out the building.

Once I got to the car I opened the backseat door and put her inside. She's losing blood and needs these wounds to be treated. Crimson stained her clothing. He tore off a long piece of her shirt and wrapped it around the cut on her stomach. Hopefully (Y/n) wouldn't kill him for that.

I flinched when the sudden sound of glass shattering was heard from behind me. I turned my head to the building and saw the broken glass door and the woman on the ground getting up. She ran out into the forest and Shigiraki swore once he ran out the building with Himiko. He was about to go after her but I yelled, "Stop! We have to go now! The heroes will most likely be here soon and (Y/n) needs help." He looked back to where the woman had ran off but turned away, got in the drivers seat and started the car. Himiko hopped in the back, I switched to the passenger seat.

. . Himiko's pov . .

The car ride was silent while Shigi's eyes were focused on the road. Frustration glimmered in his red optics. (Y/n)'s head rested on my lap. My gaze shifted to her features and I noticed a scar across her left brow tracing to her cheek, as well as other smaller cuts. A thought came to mind, reminding me of one of the things the pink girl had told us. "How're we gonna get the chip out of her?"

There was a moment of silence before Shigi spoke up. "We need to find out where they put it first. Then, we'll have to get it out ourselves." Dabi looked to Tomura for a moment before he went back to staring out the window.

. . (Y/n)'s pov . .

Soft fabric lay gently on top of me and my head rested on a cushiony object. My eyes fluttered open and soft speaking voices were heard. I raised my right arm and combed my hand through my (h/c) locks. I let out a small breath and lifted myself up gently. The action though, caused me to wince at a slight pain felt on my side. I moved my arm onto the wound but felt fabric covering it. Bandages wrapped around parts of my body including the one on my side.

Shifting my gaze away from my wound I looked to see Himiko seated on a chair, her legs crossed and hands rested on the edge. I noticed however, that we were not at home. She looked to me and a slight smile touched her lips. "How are you feeling (Y/n)? Are you thirsty? Want some water?"

I thought about it some before I nodded and thanked her. She stood up and went to the counter to grab a glass and fill it under the sink. Dabi and Shigiraki sat in chairs to my left. Shigi seemed deep in thought, staring at his fiddling hands. "Is there something wrong Tomu?" I asked him.

Himiko came back with a glass of water and handed it to me. I nodded in thanks and took a sip, still waiting for an answer from Tomura. "The heroes have planted a chip in you. It's keeping you from using your quirk and they're able to track you with it.

"It's gonna be a problem trying to get it out though in your condition." He continued to look at me.

"I can handle it. It's just a small chip."

"I believe you." He leaned back in his chair, "We're going to have to get it out now though. The heroes are probably tracking our location right now, which is why we aren't at home." He motioned to the room they were in. "We booked a hotel room further away."

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now