Chapter 7

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-1st person ( Y/n )-

I woke up with a jerk after having a nightmare. I turned over onto my back staring at the ceiling. What time is it? I checked the clock sitting on the desk below. It read: 4:08 AM. What?? It's still so early.. I tried falling back asleep but I just couldn't get my body to relax, so instead, I quietly got up and crawled down the ladder and left. I went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal.

Lately the thought about completing the mission had been on my mind a lot. I felt so much pressure. I already messed up a bit. I'm always scared I'm gonna let them down.

I sighed. I really should get more sleep but I just can't clear my head. I'm gonna be so tired at school today.

-3rd person-

( Y/n ) finished her bowl, moved it over on the table and rested her head on her arms, staring at the wall. After a few minutes she got up and went to the living room to quietly watch some tv.

Three hours later... ( Around 7:00 AM )

Footsteps came were heard from the kitchen. ( Y/n ) turned off the Tv to go check who it was. Kurogiri was already starting breakfast.

"Hey Giri!" ( Y/n ) said walking over to see what he was making.

"Good morning ( Y/n )." He said in his usual formal voice. He was making eggs with toast.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it ( Y/n ), you should get dressed." He answered in a rather comforting manner.

"Alright.. you sure?"

"Yes" He slightly squinted his bright, yellow, misty eyes in a way to show that he was smiling.


( Y/n ) entered the bedroom and grabbed her uniform. She changed in the bathroom and went back to grab breakfast.

She grabbed the plate Giri had made for her and sat at the table.

"The others told me about the incident of last night. Don't pressure yourself too much about it ( Y/n ), it'll only make it harder for you to complete this mission." Kurogiri said placing the last few eggs on separate plates for the others. The toast popped out and he tossed them onto everyone's plates including ( Y/n )'s.

"Thanks Giri. I'll try my best not to bring myself down." She said smiling.


Dabi came down the stairs in his sweatpants and tank top, just as ( Y/n ) was finishing her last bite, and placing her plate next to the sink. He walked by and ruffled her hair a bit as he yawned.

"Good morning Dabs! You're up early? It's only 8:14." He hummed as an answer.

( Y/n ) left to sit on the couch on her phone until it was time for her to leave.

-1st person ( Y/n )-

It was now 8:30. Shoot I'm gonna be late for first period! I quickly hopped off the couch and rushed out of the room to the bar where the others were.

"Gotta go guys!" I said grabbing my bag. They all said goodbye and I rushed out the door.


Arriving at UA it was now 8:39. Oh shoot. I ran inside shoving open the door. I rushed up the stairs to class. Then just as I opened the door, the bell rang. I huffed and flopped onto my seat breathing heavily. Most of the others were looking at me. It must be because I don't have my disguise on anymore.

"Where's your stupid mask?" Bakugo sat sideways on his seat.

"Does it matter?" I answered. He growled and looked away.

Oh right I gotta find out where those files are today. I can try finding them now... probably won't have much luck though. I slowly raised my hand.

"Yes ( Y/n )?" Aizawa said with a sigh.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" He nodded. I stood up and walked out without making eye contact with anyone. Now where could they be?...

I walked through the hallways looking for any door that could have them in it. The thought then hit me. Why would the important files that I'm looking for be anywhere in these storage rooms. I bet they're in the principals office. Ill have to check that out tonight. Maybe there's something in Mr. Aizawas desk too.

I got back into class and continued on with my day.

How am I gonna get in and get those files without getting caught though?...

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now