Chapter 13

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Minas Pov

"Guys...?" I said reaching out a hand to tap one of them but keeping my eyes on the browsing girl. They laughed a little more together. I reached Kirishima and tapped his shoulder.

His laughing died down as he turned his head. "Ya? What's up?" He asked. Bakugo and Denki also listened in.

"See that girl over there?" They nodded. "Isn't that ( Y/n )?..." They took a moment until their eyes widened. Even though she looks like any other person since I can't see her Face, I'd recognize one of my friends from a mile away.

"No" Denki chuckled nervously. "That can't be ( Y/n ). You can't even see the person properly."

It was then the hooded girl took of her hood revealing her h/c hair and mask. They stood in shock and silence as they stared at their old friend.

( Y/n )'s POV

Jeez it's hot.. taking off my hood shouldn't hurt, I have a mask on anyways. I took off my hood and fixed my hair. I then took one last look at my options and grabbed the food I needed. I payed and quickly left the store. I wonder if there's anything else I'm forgetting. You know what? I'm just gonna treat myself to some candy. And I began heading over to the gas station.

Minas POV

"Oh god what do we do? It really is ( Y/n )!" Denki asked nervously from behhind me. "Do we call Aizawa and the pros, or leave her and do nothing?"

"Chill Denki we'll figure something out." Kirishima said placing his hand on his shoulder. Bakugo merely stood there glaring at the girl. Meanwhile I was in deep thought trying to think of something before the chance runs out, but just then the girl left to pay and leave. "Should we follow?" Kiri asked.

"No," I said finally speaking up. "leave her for now I have a plan."

. . .

We left and discretely followed behind ( Y/n ). She turned into the gas station. "Now what?" Kirishima asked from behind me.

"We wait." I answered. "Follow me." I led us to the side of the gas station in an alley.

( Y/n )'s POV

I grabbed a bag of chips and payed. I walked out of the store but then felt someone grab my arm and pull me away to the side of the gas station. I sadly dropped my bag of chips in the process. When the person let go of my arm I saw it was Mina.

"What the hell?! What are you doing here?" I don't wanna have to hurt her. We were great friends and I guess I might've gotten attached. I can't be with her right now though, I gotta get back to the others.

"I'm here to tell you to come back. We all miss you and I don't believe your really a villain. They brainwashed you ( Y/n )." She said holding my hands close to her.

I pulled my hands away. "Brainwashed? I joined them when I was a child. They took care of me. And in case you didn't know-" I was cut off after I heard a small can hit the ground behind the large garbage bin that was behind me. "What was that?"

"I'm sure it was nothing ( Y/n ), probably just a rat." I looked back at Mina.

"Are you planning something against me? What is this all about?" I said anger in my tone and hurt in my eyes.

"What? No ( Y/n ) I- I would never hurt you or anything!" My eyes narrowed, and my face went dark.

I then one the sound of a footstep behind me and reacted immediately. I used my quirk to wrap the shadow around Bakugo who struggled to get loose. I turned my head to Mina who looked scared.

"You we're gonna capture me.." I said sadness laced in my voice.

"N-no! ( Y/n )! I only wanted to help you! I promise!"

"By attacking me?"

"No that was Bakugo! Blame him!"

I threw him to the wall and walked closer to Mina, looking her in the eyes. "You know.. I really hate heroes." Suddenly I felt a hard shock and my body tensed up. Everything went dark after that.

. . . .

I woke up with a headache. I was in a bright room. I tried moving my hand to my head but realized my whole body was strapped onto a metal chair. I looked up and my eyes widened. There was a glass wall in front of me, but behind it Aizawa sat in a chair looking at me intently.

"Aizawa." I said returning to my normal facial expression.

"( Y/n )." He said.

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now