Chapter 3

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~3rd person~

Dabi lifted ( y/n ), holding her under the arms with his arms stretched out holding her away from him. He frowned and raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't we let them join us?" Kurogiri suggested. 

He seemed to contemplate it for a moment. "Fine. Let's go then" Dabi muttered. He put (Y/n) down. Himiko hummed in satisfaction, smiled confidently and walked next to the skipping a little.

They walked out the mall and took a turn down one of the streets.
Finally they arrived at a gas station and found a car behind the building. "The key's should be here" said Tomura looking under the car.

"Tomura we're too young to be driving a car." Kurogiri said in his usual calm voice.

"We may be fourteen but there's no one here to catch us anyway, c'mon have some fun Kuro" Tomura smirked.

"Let me drive then I don't want you putting ( y/n ) and everyone else in danger too. I am the most mature out of you guys anyways."

"Alright fine" Tomura said a little disappointed tossing the keys to Kurogiri. Tomura sat in the passenger seat, Dabi in the row behind them in the right seat and Himiko in the left with ( y/n ) on her lap.

They drove off through the streets of the city listening to some good songs to boost the mood. ( Y/n )'s favourite song started playing on the radio. Himiko and ( y/n ) were laughing together and dancing to the music. The little girl held both of Himiko's hands as she guided them to the music. Dabi sat looking out the window without much of an expression on his face.
"I know what to call you guys!" ( Y/n ) then said excitedly. She pointed to Dabi "You are Dabs" She pointed to Tomura. "You are Shigi" Then she pointed to Kurogiri. "You are Giri" She turned back around to face Himiko. "And last but not least, Himi!"

Himiko giggled. "I like that name. We'll call you ( N/n )!"

( N/n ) = nickname

Now we're back to the present time for them.

It had now been 11 years since they first met, so ( y/n ) was now 16 years old Himi was 23 and Dabi, Tomu, and Giri were now 25.

"( N/n )!! You did it!! You made it into UA!"Himi squealed excitedly squeezing ( y/n ) in a big hug.

"I'm very proud of you ( y/n ), now we can successfully complete our mission... hopefully." Giri said walking up to them and placing his hand on ( y/n )'s head. Dabi and Tomu must be sleeping in again. They'll be disappointed that I'll be gone already, but I'm gonna be late.

"That uniform looks so cute on you ( N/nnnnn )!" Himi squeaked backing up to see.

"Thanks Himi but I gotta get going now. Thanks for breakfast Giri! Hehe!" ( Y/n ) had a big smile as she waved behind her as she walked out of the bar.

~1st person ( Y/n )~

I crouched down getting ready to jump, digging my back foot into the ground. I took a deep breath and launched myself up into the air. I gently landed on the building that was next to me and stood looking at the view of the city.
( h/l ) = hair length ( long, short etc.. )
( h/c ) = hair colour
( h/t ) = hair type ( curly, straight etc.. )
The fresh breeze blowing swiftly, letting my ( h/l ), ( h/c ) hair flow in the wind. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath smelling the city air, before opening my eyes again and jumping from building to building. I had Tomu's sweater around my waist so that I'd be able to hide my face from everyone. I have to do this and make them proud. I smiled thinking of Himi and the others, they were like a family to me, but Giri was the most mature, he was like the dad of the group.

Arriving at the entrance of UA I put the sweater on. I looked up at the school. The shadow covering the ground. I frowned and gritted my teeth. I hate heroes. I hate UA. I'll kill them all... I smirked put up the hood of the sweater so it would cover my face, and walked to the entrance. I entered the school and it seemed pretty empty. Sh*t I'm late.

~3rd person~

( Y/n ) got to the entrance of the class. The door towered over her with big writing on it saying "1-A". She sighed and walked into the classroom. Everyone was already seated and the teacher stood at the front. He seemed grumpy and tired. Everyone had been talking, but they all went silent when ( Y/n ) walked in.

The teacher's deep tired voice broke the silence "You're late."

She rolled her eyes from under her hood. " I know that."

Sorry if this chapter was a little short
I'll try to make the next one a bit longer, but it may take a little longer than it took to publish this one.
Anyways love you guys!

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