Chapter 12

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Hey guys so uh scratch the part where I said they all share a room with bunk beds. You have your own rooms. 😅

My body loosely dangled off the couch as I slept with a blanket on top. I was just getting to a good part of my dream before I felt a lump of something smack my face. I sat up quickly still processing what just happened, when I turn to see Himi a hand on her hip and the other holding a pillow.

"You've been sleeping for hours ( Y/n )! It's the middle of the day." She frowned.

"Really Himi? I was having a good dream. If you don't have a reason to be waking me up, I'm going back to sleep." I said lying back down.

She huffed and sat at the end of the couch crossing her arms. "Shigi's gone doing whatever business and Dabi's being boring and watching tv. I just want someone to play with!"

I sighed slowly sitting back up. "Fine, what do want to do?" She quickly turned her head to face me as her eyes lit up with joy, a bright smile plastered on her face.


We walked through a small filthy alley. Himiko occasionally skipped around kicking a few cans. The place had a malodorous smell with garbage and cigarettes littering the ground. "Remind me why we're here again?" I asked putting my hands behind my head.

She stopped skipping and continued walking by my side. "You don't remember? I told you I needed some more blood, so I need your help." She added a little giggle at the end.

"Right.." I grumbled looking off to the side. I still felt a little tired which wasn't helping with my mood. Himi then stopped in her tracks so I turned to face her and saw a large smile laced across her face as her chin rested in both her palms. I turned to see where she was looking and saw two guys and one girl seeming to be smoking and probably doing illegal drugs. The girl had bright pink hair tied in a ponytail and a few tattoos on her arms fully showing due to her black tank top. One man wore a coat and old rugged jeans and the other a black sweater with shorts.

"You want them?" I asked turning my head back to her putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yes." She grabbed her knife.

"Alright, let's get this over with." I sighed. We casually walked over to them.

The girl turned her head taking out the cigarette out of her mouth, and exhaling the smoke smirking. "Well well" she chuckled. "What are two pretty girls like you doing here?" She questioned, lowering her hand.

"S-sorry we kinda got lost, a-and we were wondering if you knew the directions...?" I looked at Himiko who was standing, a finger in her mouth and in a shy stance. I raised an eyebrow but decided to let her do her thing.

"Why don't you stay with us for a bit?" One the men said walking over, the woman following after.

"W-well we really do have somewhere to be.." Himi she trailed off.

"Oh? And where's that?" The woman asked looking over to Himiko.

"Your moms." She replied immediately jabbing her knife into the man's guts. I rolled my eyes. Seriously? But it was my queue to fight too. I used my quirk, wrapping it around the woman and throwing her into the wall along with the last man as he was crushed by her.

Toga began fighting the last man, as the woman stood up slowly, smirking, keeping eye contact with me. She then suddenly kicked her foot in the air, keeping it there, as a red lazer shot from her foot. I just barely missed it as it hit my side causing there to be a burn. I clutched the side of my torso where I was burned glaring at her. She kicked her other foot in the air and in one swift movement, as if everything was going in slow motion, I ducked down, dodging the laser. I then moved up grabbing her leg that was in the air and punched her upwards in the jaw, causing her to fall onto the ground, holding her fresh injury.

I raised my hand towards her as I stood over her body. Her eyes widened and before she could do anything the was stabbed by my quirk right in the heart. I then ripped it out and she flopped onto the ground dead.

"Yay! Thank you ( Y/n )!" Himiko said hopping and clapping her hands excitedly.

"Ya whatever I guess.. Go grab your blood I wanna get back to base now." I said motioning my hands over to the dead bodies.


After arriving back at the base, I went up to my room and flopped onto the bed, but just after I got comfortable there was a knock at the door. I groaned and lazily got up from the bed walking over to the door. I opened it up to be greeted by Shigi. "I'm going shopping so I'll be back in about an hour."

"Okay fine, stay safe." I'm so bored. "Actually wait" I said right as Shigi was about to leave. "Can I go instead? There's nothing else for me to do."

"I guess.. but you better keep your face hidden." He furrowed his brows.

I rolled my eyes. "I've done this before Shigi I'll be fine." I walked by him to the main room. "I'm heading out." I said waving from behind as I walked by Dabi and Himiko who sat at the booth playing uno.

"I thought Shigi was going shopping?" Himi said leaning over to see me, an eyebrow raised.

"Pick up four." Dabi said placing a card down smirking. "Oh and Uno." He continued as he held up his last card still making sure Himiko couldn't see it.

Himi's head snapped back towards Dabi. "What!? Hey!!" She frowned.

"I'm going instead of him, I was bored." I said as I put on my shoes.

"Okay, don't be too long." Dabi said chuckling at Himiko's childish whining as she picked up her cards. I left out the door and into the streets wearing a mask and a hoodie. This should keep me busy. I thought as I continued to walk down the street looking for the food store.

Mina's pov...

Bakugo continued to growl and swear at Denki as I laughed and Kirishima tried to calm him down. "C'mon guys let's just grab the snacks we need and head out.. your causing a scene." He said, nervously looking around and seeing a few people looking at the chaotic group.

With a small "tch" Bakugo gave in and continued to walk, but not without shoving Denki in his face. Denki gave a relieved sigh and thanked Kiri as we walked, and I lead the way.

"So why couldn't Sero come again?" Denki asked.

"He said he had family coming over tonight, but we can hang out again with him next time. So it'll just be us." I replied smiling back at them.


( Still Mina's pov )

We looked around the isle talking at the same time. I went a few feet away from them looking at the candy options. The boys laughed a bit, talking with each other. I leaned in to look at the options hoping I'd see my favourite one, but then gave out a disappointed sigh when there was no sign of it. I stood up straight again and looked to the left at the end of the isle hoping to see more. But when I looked I saw a hooded figure seeming to be a woman browsing the cold section. It was only when I looked down at her shoes did my eyes widen in realization. Aren't those the same shoes ( Y/n ) used to wear?...

Sorry for taking so long to post again!! Thank you for the support, love you guys! 💕

Shadows (bnha x fem villain reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now