male oc profile

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- B A S I C • I N F O -

Name: Karumi Ouran (he/she/they)
Preferred Name: Karu
Age: 15 (1st year)
D.O.B: December 25
Height: 165 cm (5' 5")
Weight: around 57 kg (127 lbs)
Ethnicity: Japanese/Canadian
Hometown: Hokkaido
Current Hometown: Kanagawa
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender Identity: Genderfluid - preference for gender can change based on how one feels (karu is biologically male, which is why he's also considered a male oc)

- A P P E A R A N C E -

Hair Color: Black
Hairstyle: Semi-short undercut with messy bangs
Eye Color: Blue with light hues of gray
Number of piercings: Three (one on the left ear, two on the right)

- T R A I T S -

- Shy
- Dense
- Reserved
- Snarky in some ways
- Kind of childish and immature
- Internally aggressive (like a chihuahua)

- L I K E S -

- Spicy food
- Photography
- Skateboarding
- Black nail polish

- L O V E S -

- Given
- Music
- Writing
- Singing
- Dancing
- Hair clips
- Anime/Manga
- Watching sunsets and sakura trees

- D I S L I K E S -

- Onions
- Studying
- Loud noises
- Crowded places
- Problematic people
- Socializing with the world
- Homophobic/Transphobic behavior

- F U N • F A C T S -

- Was self-influenced in disliking the color of their eyes , despite their family encouraging that they were beautiful; therefore, they wear colored contacts to make them look naturally hazel

- Has the duality of adorable and sexy, but too dense to realize that

- Top tier at basketball

- The type of person who has to translate languages in their head before speaking it (karu knows english, japanese, and a tad bit of spanish thanks to six sad years of lessons)

- Can accurately attempt to sing a language they don't know without understanding what they're even singing

- Lollipop obsession

- Has a stash of bl/gl manga hidden in their closet, along with endless visits on incognito. (and secretly reads at school because they're such a badass)

- Searches up curse words in different languages before learning the basics of it

- Sings and dances when no one is around but is very self-conscious about it at the same time

- Has a habit of writing A LOT and are considered one of those students who give in work that teachers don't want to keep reading. In the end, they give Karu a quick grade between 95-100 afterward. That quickly puts Karu at the top of the class for literature and writing

- Can't do math... this bitch just can't...

- Sleep-deprived

- Touch starved but rarely trusts anyone to make physical contact

- Can shift from "I'm ugly" to "I'm so fucking hot" at the most random of times

- Head pats = SUPERIOR

- Hides all their trauma in the oversized clothes they wear

- At least 95% of their wardrobe is from Uniqlo, thrift stores, and Harajuku, there's no in-between

- Wants to pursue a dream career as either a novelist or a fashionista

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different point of views will vary throughout each part, unless i decide to do third person for the entire part since it's the one i do best in.

ok, now let's actually get on with the fic.

- author~chim (kai)

Synced Isolophilia - Mafuyama x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now