Sunglasses & Chicken Nuggets

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Towards the end of the movie, I fell asleep and then I felt someone shaking my shoulders. 

“You are one lazy girl” Niall chuckled as I opened my blue eyes to meet his. 

“I am not lazy. I’m just tired” I defended and he rolled his eyes, plopping down beside me. 

“But of course, I couldn’t let the opportunity slip away” He smirked, holding up his phone with a picture of me sleeping on the couch. 

My phone was practically jumping around on the table and I stared at it like it was from Mars.

“And that went to Twitter” He grined and I smacked the back of his head before grabbing my phone. 

I scrolled through the tweets on my interactions, each of them mentioning me, Niall then a link to the picture. 

I opened up Niall’s tweet and stared at the caption.

NiallOfficial: My Angel <3

“What?” Niall questioned innocently as I glared at him. Then it hit me like a strike of lightning. We were supposedly ‘dating’. 

“Right” I mutteedr, closing the Twitter app and setting my phone down. “You forgot, didn’t you?” He smirked and I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm. 

“Yep” I laughed. “We’re best friends. I can never get used to the fact that we’re fake dating” I said. 

“I mean, we’re only the bestest friends” I continued and his face faltered for a second but the sadness on his face disappeared as quickly as it came. 

“Yeah” He grinned.

“The bestest friends” He  muttered.

“Okay….” I trailed off awkwardly before getting up and stretching. Glancing at the clock, I grabbed my phone.

“Hmm, it’s 1 in the afternoon and I’m hungry” I pointed out. 

“How about I get changed then we go eat” I asked, turning to Niall who was staring blankly at his phone. 

“Sure” He answered before his thumbs started moving around the screen off his phone. 

I shrugged and made my way to the stairs and to my bedroom. 

After getting dressed, I weaved my way back to the living room.

“Ready?” Niall asked, shoving his phone into his pocket and standing up.

“Yeah, come on” I smiled, beckoning him over whilst grabbing my car keys from the table in the foyer. 

"What's with the sunglasses?" He asked and I laughed, realizing I was wearing sunglasses that had a fake mustache dangling on it.

"Where in the world did you buy them?" He questioned.

"I want one!" He whined

"You can have them" I laughed, taking the sunglasses off and handing them to him.

He grinned and put them on before facing the mirror.

"Damn, I look cool" He muttered and I burst out laughing.

"Alright, come on before you start posing" I said, walking to the door.

He gladly obliged and soon we were off.

“Where are we going?” Niall asked. 

“I don’t exactly know” I answered, keeping my eyes on the road. 

He laughed at my response and I could see him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.

“Let’s just get a drive through then let’s roam around the city” Niall suggested and I grinned.

“Sounds like a plan” I replied and I saw a McDonald’s branch by the corner. 

“You up for that?” I asked, nodding my head towards the restaurant. 

He looked at where I was gesturing too and nodded. “Who can resist McDonald’s?” He cackled as I went through the drive thru.

“Good afternoon. What can I get you?” A voice said. “What do you want?” I questioned, turning to Niall. 

“Chicken nuggets!” He exclaimed and I laughed, shaking my head at the blonde boy.

“An order of chicken nuggets” I said into the speaker that stood there. “Make that three!” Niall suddenly yelled.

“Alright, make that three. And a Big Mac for me” I continued. “And two Pepsis” I finished off. 

“Will that be all?”

“Yes. Thank you” I turned to Niall and pressed the gas pedal. 

“Three orders of chicken nuggets?” I smirked. 

“Yep” He grined proudly. I arrived at the window where we got our food. 

I reached for my wallet but Niall grabbed his and took out some money, climbing over my seat to pay the girl at the window.

“Niall” I groaned. “You’re heavy” I whined and he just chuckled, returning to his seat and placing his change into his wallet. 

“Wasn’t the first time you told me” He smirked. “I was supposed to pay” I pouted as I got our food. 

“But I wanted to, so your argument is invalid” He shot back, poking his tongue out at me. 

We started eating in the car but Niall saw that I was having trouble eating whilst driving.

“Come on, hand me that” He commanded, taking my burger from my hands. 

“Open up, here comes the plane” He teased and I gave him a look. 

I took a bite out of the burger that he was holding and he smiled before shoving a chicken nugget in his mouth.

The car ride went on like that and after we ate, I told Niall to just dump it in the back because I would clean the car later. 

We passed by the London Eye and I grinned. “I haven’t been on that for years” I muttered and Niall looked at me from previously staring at the extremely large ferris wheel. 

“Then come on!” He yelled. “Stop the car and let’s go on it” He smileed but I shook my head. “Maybe some other time” I answered and he pouted. 

“Promise me we’ll go on the London Eye” He said.

“Alright, I promise, but just not now” I replied and he sighed but nodded.

"I'll make that place extremely memorable" He muttered

What was that about?

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