Finding Nemo

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“Honey, I’m home” Niall sang as I heard the front door to my house close. Yeah, I gave him a spare key. 

My throat became better and I got it checked out; just minor tonsillitis. 

I was fine, through, and that was all that really mattered. “I’m not your wife” I sang back from my room. 

I heard his footsteps getting closer and soon, my bedroom door was opened. It had been 2 weeks since the day that Simon forced Niall and I to date. Oh well.

“Whatcha doing?” He asked, plopping down beside me as I scanned my laptop’s screen. “Ooh, whatcha reading” He grinned, looking over my shoulder to look at my screen. 

I took a bite of my apple and he did too. I give him a look and he backed up, raising his arms in surrender. 

“My apple!” I screeched, taking another bite out of it. I returned to the story I was reading.

“I’ll never let you go” Niall whispered before crashing his lips on mine. Our bodies moulded together perfectly as we stood in the middle of the rain.

“You’re reading One Direction fanfictions?” He asked, amused.

“Shush!” I hissed. “This is the last chapter!”

He pulled away, leaning his forehead on mine. “Be mine, forever?” He said softly, caressing my cheek with his thumb. 

“Yes, Niall! A million times yes!” I grinned and he grinned back, pulling me up into a hug. At least I got my fairytale ending. Now, Jamie Anne Horan would sound just fine…..

“Seriously?” He questioned and I shot him a look that said ‘Shut up or I’ll kill you’ He immediately shut up. “That story was cute!” I defended. 

“You just don’t understand the life of a fangirl” I sighed dramatically.

“Oh, and you do?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

“Uh, are you blind?” I questioned, gesturing to the door that said ‘KEEP OUT’

"I'm not, that's why I can clearly read the words on that door" He answers

“Take a look” I smiled as he stood up, cautiously making his way to the door. 

“Just open it! There are no snakes in there!” I laughed and he nodded, slowly opening the door. 

“And ten years later….” I mumbled, standing up and rolling my eyes. I made my way to him, opening the door.

“And I thought you weren’t a fan” He smirked as he saw the room that was filled with posters of 1D. 

Magazines were scattered on the table as the Up All Night album sat on a stand inside a glass case. 

“Obsessive much?” He chuckled. “Dedicated” I corrected. There were a pair of One Direction pajamas hanging by the wall, beside the dolls. 

The live tour DVD sat beside the Up All Night album, also sitting on a stand in a glass case. Take Me Home was also in a glass case. 

There were spotlights shining on each of them. I also had the box set and Yearbook Editions but I didn’t put them in the glass cases.

“Oh, so this is the door to the balcony” He muttered absentmindedly, looking at the glass doors. 

“Yep” I replied, sliding it open and stepping out into the late afternoon air. 

“Do you use this to jump into the pool?” He quizzed, following me and looking over the edge. 

“Sometimes. When the calculation is right” I laughed. He grinned evilly before running to the doors. 

“What are you….?” I didn’t get to finish my question because he was running full speed towards the edge.

In a second, he was gone. “Niall!” I screamed, looking over the edge. He resurfaced from the pool and I let out a sigh of relief. “What?” He screamed back. 

“You’re an idiot!” I yelled before copying his moves and, with all the luck in the world, landed into the pool. 

“You have the luck of the British” He grinned and I rolled my eyes, jumping on his back, making both of us sink.

I opened my eyes underwater and saw Niall, staring at me. He started leaning in and so did I.

As I felt the bubbles from the water by my face, I also heard the doorbell ring. 

Both of us resurfaced and I sighed, getting out of the pool and stomping into my house and to the door.

“Why are you wet?” Liam asked as all of the lads stood in the front doorway. Harry and Louis burst out laughing as Zayn smiled. 

“That sounded wrong” Louis laughed and Liam rolled his eyes. “Sorry we didn’t call or anything. We just kinda followed Niall around” Liam started but I put my hand up to silence him.

“Come in” I grinned, making way for them. “By the way, this place is huge” Harry stated as he passes and I closed the door. 

“You don’t say” I answered sarcastically as they made themselves at home, plopping down on the sofas.

“Where’s Niall?” Zayn questioned just as the backdoor opened and in walked Niall Horan himself. “Here I am” He grinned. 

“Can I…?” He questioned and I nodded, pulling him down to the sofa with me. “Why are you wet?” Liam repeated and this time, Niall joined in the laughter. 

“Control your tongue, Liam” He cackled. “Oh shut up” Liam mumbled. “Oh, and by the way, have any clothes I can borrow?” Niall questioned me.

“I’m a 19 year old girl living alone in a huge house” I pointed out with a ‘duh’ tone. I grinned and nodded. “Of course” I grinned.


“Excuse us” I smiled politely at the other boys before leading Niall up to the hall that contained the guest bedrooms. 

There was a door there that lead to a closet filled with clothes, both for boys and girls. I actually bought those for when friends came over. 

“These fit perfectly.” Niall grinned as I lead him to the closet.

“Have them. It’s not like someone’s going to live here” I said and he nodded, giving a grateful smile.

I actually gave those clothes away. There were even sportswear and swimwear in there. It took up a lot of space, but since the house was fairly large, it was really no problem at all.

I left him to change and went to my own room, getting changed also.

When I got out, Niall also came out of the room, looking as blue as ever. “Someone is very pink today” He smirked as we made our way downstairs. 

“And someone is very blue today” I shot back and he laughed, looking down at the polo shirt he had on and the shoes that he chose with it.

We entered the leaving room where the others were waiting for us.

“Alright, what do you guys want to do?” I asked, taking a seat beside Louis as Niall sat on the other side of me. “Maybe a movie?” Harry suggested. 

Harry and I weren’t very close. Ever since his comment the first day we met, we haven’t really talked much. 

Louis suddenly grinned and whispered a movie into my ear. “Perfect” I laughed, going to the movie cabinet and looking through it. 

I found the case and tossed it to Louis before going to the kitchen to pop some popcorn.

“Oh come on” I heard Niall groan and I laughed. After a minute, I pulled the pack out and dumped it into a bowl. 

Grabbing a tray, I placed the bowl of popcorn into it, along with some Pepsi cans and some candy. I returned to the living room with the tray in my hands. 

Harry then stood up, helping me with the tray. “Thanks” I muttered.

“No problem” He muttered back as we returned to our seats. 

“Why did you choose Finding Nemo?” Niall groaned.

“Because I love that movie” I countered.

“Okay, fine” He huffed before placing a hand around behind me, which rested on the sofa.

“He cries 99.9% of the movie” Liam chuckled.

“Alright, after this we’re watching Toy Story 3” Niall announced and Liam glared at him. 

“Shhh!” I screamed, staring intently at the screen. “Sheesh” Liam and Niall mumbled. 

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