Popcorn & Pepsi

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"Are you sure you're okay now?" Louis asked as he followed me to the living room where the other lads were. "Yes, I am, Louis. Now sit down" I cackled. My head was clean of the events that happened the month before. But of course, I went to therapy a couple of times. We were in my house since we were having movie night.

I looked around, realizing the absence of a certain boy named Liam. "What the?" I heard a voice from the left hallway say. "You have a movie room, Christy! Why didn't you tell us" Liam pouted as he made his way to me from previously being at the forgotten movie room. I face-palmed, shaking my head at my stupidity. "I forgot" I muttered. "How could you forget a room in your own house?" Zayn asked, clearly amused by the situation.

"Oh shut up, Malik." I grumbled. Looking up at Liam, I raised an eyebrow again. "How did you open it? I've had trouble opening that" I said and he shrugged. "Maybe because you're a weakling" He teased and I hit his arms as he chuckled. "Joking, joking" He laughed, raising his hands in surrender.

"But seriously, how did you open it?" I asked. "I never found the key to that door again when I lost it two years ago" I elaborated. "Let's just say, I found a key in a potted plant on the table outside of the room and I tried to open it, so, PRESTO! It opened" He grinned and I rolled my eyes, laughing at him.

"Okay, on your feet, lads" I ordered, getting up from the couch. "We're moving to the movie room!" I exclaimed. Niall and Zayn helped me collect the popcorn and Pepsi cans to be brought to the movie room whilst Harry, Louis and Liam brought the pillows and blankets, along with the movies that we were going to watch.

As we dumped the stuff on the huge colored sofa, Niall went through the movies. "Rise of the Guardians, The Lion King, Pitch Perfect, Les Misérables, Lilo & Stitch: Stitch has a Glitch, The Toy Story Trilogy, The Hunger Games" Niall looked up at me before rolling his eyes.

"1. We will not last through all these movies. 2. WHY?!" He cried before collapsing into the sofa. "Ooh, this is soft" He grinned, closing his eyes as he allowed the cushions to consume him. "Get up, mate. We still need a Niall Horan. The tour starts in a few weeks" Liam said as he made himself comfortable.

"When did 'a couple weeks' suddenly mean 12 weeks? That's still like 3 months away" He answered. "Still" Liam chuckled. "Okay, what movie first?" I asked, getting up. To be honest, I picked the Toy Story Trilogy because it was (and still is) my favorite trilogy of all time. So even if I watched it about a hundred and eighty-six times (Or maybe a hundred and eighty-seven. I lost count) I still want to watch it.

"I'm up for some Rise of the Guardians" Zayn answered and the others nodded in agreement. "Well then, Rise of the Guardians it is" I grinned before picking up the DVD and putting it in the player, flicking off the lights switch as I did so.

I took my seat, which was beside Niall on the corner of the pillows. "Cartoons? Seriously?" He whispered, smirking at me. "Oh shut up, Horan. It's a good movie. And Jack Frost is hot" I answered and he laughed quietly before diverting his attention back to the screen.

After watching the Rise of the Guardians, I noticed that Zayn was already snoring quietly , his back supported by the wall. Rolling my eyes, I saw Harry and Louis throwing popcorn at each other while Liam sat there, texting someone on his phone. "I guess we're the only ones who really paid attention" Niall said and I nodded.

"I'm getting something along the lines of horror or suspense movie" I muttered. "Which one are you getting?" Niall questioned. "I'm going to lend you guys some options. I have Mama, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Grudge, Paranormal Activity 2, The Last Exorcism Two And Poltergeist" I suggested. "The Last Exorcism Two" he said them grinned mischievously as the boys' heads shot up at the name of the movie. "No!"

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