I Lied

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After another day with One Direction, I was left alone the next day. They said they had a meeting of some sort; with Simon. Now, I was bored to death, with nothing to do, alone in my house in the middle of the woods. Oh what a fascinating life. I might as well do some reading.

Grabbing my laptop that was set on the coffee table, I opened it, connect to the WiFi system of my home and started reading. I already finished 4 stories when the ring of the doorbell made me jolt out of my position. The ring retained and I stared at the door before getting up and answering it.

“Hello!” The five boys screamed. I should’ve known. I left the door open and they all piled in, Zayn closing the door. “So, what were you doing before we saved you from your boring life?” Liam asked as he plopped down beside my laptop. He took it and started reading.

“I’ve seen this one before” He chuckled. I was in the middle of Room 317 when they came. “That really is one fascinating story” I smiled as Niall emerged from the kitchen with a bottle of water in hand. Hey, my home was their home.

“Except for the part where Niall died and I commited suicide” Liam pointed out and I screamed just as Niall spit out the water he was drinking. “You spoiled the whole thing!” I yelled. “Oh please. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen this before” He countered. “Wait, I die?” Niall joined in but I ignored him, trying to think of a witty comeback towards Liam.

“I have, but still! Don’t spoil an amazing story like that!” I screeched and he shrugged. “We all die anyway” He replied blandly, his eyes skimming the screen. “Why do I die?” Niall tried to cut in again.

“It isn’t stated if Zayn dies!” I exclaimed and Zayn just gave me a puzzled look. “But what do you think happened to him when he said he’ll see me in twenty?” Liam retorted. “How are we the subject of this?” Niall and Zayn asked.

“I don’t know, maybe he was still alive while Louis and Harry died” I smirked as Louis and Harry’s eyes widened at the mention of their names. “Please don’t tell me that’s the…” Harry trailed off.

“Or, maybe he died before the two” Liam answered back.

“Or maybe they died at the same time”

“Everybody shut up!” Louis suddenly yelled. “It’s Room 317, guys. Read it and you’ll understand” He said. The two, which included Niall and Zayn, just sat there, totally dumbfounded by the previous conversation we just had.

“Alright, now that we’ve settled that case…” Louis started but Liam objected. “I will not stop until she agrees that Zayn dies!” He yelled. “What if I don’t wanna die?!” Zayn shouted back. “Oh boy” Louis huffed, plopping back into the sofa

“You will die!” Liam yelled.

“What if you die first?”

“I did die first!” Liam screamed exasperatedly.

“Both of you shut up” I groaned. “Let’s not talk about Room 317. I always have this melancholic feeling when I hear about it” I pointed out. “Fine” Liam pouted, setting the laptop down.

“So, what do we do?” I asked, looking around at the lot in front of me. “Well?” I urged. “What about we go play a sport or something?” Harry suggested. Before they could speak, I held my hand up. “I can’t play football” I stated and they gave me crazed looks.

“It’s not that I don’t know how to play; believe me, I can. It’s just, I can’t play the sport since I have problems with my right ankle” I explained and thy nodded understandingly. “What sport can you play?” Niall asked. “Anything that doesn’t involve kicking nor running” I replied and he nodded.

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