Save You Tonight

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"I said get away from me, you bastard!" I screamed, kicking, thrashing and screaming, all at the same time. He painfully slapped me across my face, his rough hands swiftly moving from my face down to the back of my dress.

"Shut up, bitch" He growled as he pulled me up to a house. I couldn't believe the fact that that man brought me 8 blocks away from the club without anyone noticing nor caring. It was extremely unbelievable and stupid. 

As he hoisted me up onto his porch, I aimed for his member and kneed it, remembering the thing that my sister did to my brother when we were younger when he was chasing her with a bucket of dirt and worms.

"Shit" The man cursed as I made a run for it. My shoes fell off on the way so I was running barefoot, which made it faster for me. I ran and ran, but he was fast. The sliver of hope suddenly disappeared when his large hand held a grip of my forearm, pulling me forcefully. Everything I lived for suddenly made no point as I was dragged away. Please, kill me now.

~Niall's Point of View~

Harry, Zayn and Liam were in the car, leaving me and Louis to check buildings and houses for any signs of the girl in question. We found her shoe about 3 blocks from the club, yet it was only one and that worried me more. 

As we arrived in front of a house, I knocked on it. Screams erupted from the house and soon, the door swung open, revealing a very angry looking man. "What do you want?" He growled. The top buttons of his shirt were undone and his belt buckle was loose. He was tall, obviously, and he scared me, yet Louis stood his ground.

"We were wondering if you saw a girl about this tall, brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a black dress" Louis described and something flashed in the man's eyes before he smirked, shaking his head. "Nope" He answered and at that moment, Christy came from a door, her eyes widening when they landed on us.

"Niall, Louis!" She screamed and the man closed the door. I was aggravated and I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins. With all the force I gathered in my body, I stepped back and kicked down the wooden door, successfully breaking it. I heard Louis call the other lads. "We're on our way!" I heard Liam's voice shout faintly. 

The living room was empty so I looked around, my eyes landing on the kitchen door. My head was blurry so I went to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a knife and placing it in my pocket. "Niall, Louis!" I heard a scream from upstairs, so I hastily ran to the stairs, sprinting up. Even with my speed, I didn't fall. 

I quickly raced to the door that the screams were coming from. As I opened the door, I saw the man, a gun in his hand as he held Christy by the other. "Step closer, then both of you die" The man barked. "Step away from the girl" I growled, my voice obviously different. I needed to protect Christy. 

~Chisty's Point of View~

The man's vice grip only tightened as Niall said those words. The Niall I saw was different from the Niall I've known. His eyes were dark and his hands clenched into fists. His jaw clenched as his eyes momentarily closed. He stepped closer and the man shot the floor beside his foot, but he didn't even flinch. 

"I said, step away from the girl" He growled. The man only smirked, aiming his gun at Niall's chest. "Niall, run!' I commanded but he only looked at me with his dark eyes. I was small under his gaze then he returned it to the man, stepping closer. The man shot the space between his feet, yet he still stood his ground.

"I'll kill you both" The man threatened but Niall only smiled darkly. "Kill me" Niall challenged, opening his arms. "But let her go" He added. "Gladly" The man smirked as he held up his gun, pointing it at Niall's head. Niall showed no fear as his eyes landed on me.

The man was about to pull the trigger but my heart was thumping against my chest, not accepting the fact that Niall was about to sacrifice for me. I mustered up all my strength and pulled away from the man, distracting him from Niall.

Niall quickly jumped on his back, grabbing the gun that the man held in his hands. Niall passed it to me and brought the man to the ground. Niall had him pinned to the floor. Niall's eyes were still dark and his jaw was still tight. "I thought you were going to kill me?" Niall mocked. The door was kicked down and in came the police with the other lads. 

Niall got off of the man as police handcuffed my abductor. His eyes landed on me and immediately softened as he pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't prevent his from happening" He apologized but I hsook my head, hugging him back tightly.

"Don't apologize, Niall. Don't." I said, nuzzling my head into his neck. "Thank you" I breathed as he held me tighter. "Thank you" I whispered. The man was dragged away and Niall pulled away from me. "No need to thank me, love" He smiled weakly.  

"I'm sorry that I brought you to that pub. If I didn't, this wouldn't ha-" I stopped Louis in mid-sentence as I pulled him into a hug. "Don't apologize. There's nothing to apologize for" I whispered. I was just glad that I was finally safe. 

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