Pick Us Up

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Someone cleared their throat and I turned around, seeing Louis. “Louis” He smiled, extending his hand.

I took it and shook it before we all sat down on the picnic table. 

I took Niall’s phone out of my bag and he put mine on the table. I handed him his phone and he grinned.

“Oh, I put my number in there, along with Louis’, since he took the phone and tapped his number in” He explained and I grinned.

He started typing on his phone then finally smiled. “And now, I have your number” He muttered.

They started asking questions about me and we just talked like we’ve known each other for years.

After about an hour of talking, Louis’ phone started ringing. After his eyes scanned over the message, he gave us an apologetic look before he stood up.

“I need to go. Eleanor wants to meet up” He said. “Bye” He waved before running off.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up, seeing that I received texts from all my siblings.

From: Andrew

Got a plane ticket. I’m coming home, Christy.

From: Jessie

What?! You’re kidding right? Please, tell me you’re kidding :’(

From: Anne

Come on, Christy. Stop joking. You’re making me cry :-(

From: James

You’re lying! The doctor said she’ll live for another year! She can’t be dead! She just can’t! 

I sighed, texting them back. “Christy, are you okay?” Niall asked; concern in his voice. “I’m fine” I muttered, typing replies to their texts.

To: Andrew

See you tomorrow.  x

To: Jessie

I’m sorry, sis. Mum moved on. She’s gone. I need you guys back here ASAP

To: Anne

I’m afraid I’m not joking. I need you guys back here ASAP

To: James

I know you’re in denial, J, but please, I need you guys back here ASAP

I sent the messages and placed my phone in my pocket. “So, how old are you, Christy?” Niall questioned.

“I’m 19, as of September 20” I smiled. “Wait, one week after my birthday?” He questioned and I nodded.

“Nice” He said and I nodded again. So, for the next two hours or so, we just talked and got to know each other. My phone rang again and I groaned, getting it.

“Well, aren’t you going to pick your siblings up from the airport?” Jessie’s voice rang out. I shot up from my seat, mouthing an apology to Niall.

“Excuse me” I muttered, walking a few meters from the table.

“What are you talking about?” I hissed. “We’re at the airport right now” James shouted in the background.

“Wait, am I on speaker?” I questioned and three voices chorused a ‘Yup’.

“Can’t you get a taxi or something?” I whined and I heard someone huff. “Look, we flew over here ASAP then you don’t want to pick us up?” Anne groaned.

“I’m in the middle of something” I mumbled. 

“Can’t it wait?” 

“Can’t you wait?”

Okay, I didn’t mean that. I mean, I was talking to my older siblings. Andrew was 28 years old, Jessie was 26, Anne was 24 and James was 22 and I was 19.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. 

“Fine, I’m on my way” I muttered and they cheered. 

“See you, sis” They all screamed into the phone.

I walked back to the table and collected my things. 

“I’m sorry Niall, something came up and I gotta go” I explained and he nodded understandingly, standing up.

“Text you later” Niall grinned as I walk off. I smiled back at him, giving one last wave before I went to my car. I opened my car and made my way to the airport.

I arrived within minutes. I looked around as I git out of my car but I didn't see my brother or sisters in sight. “Christy!” Someone yelled from behind me.

I turned around but was soon on the ground with 3 people on top of me. 

“Get off of me! You guys are heavy!” I shouted and they just laughed.

We all stood up and their laughter died down as they realized why they where here.

“Where is she?” Anne asked and I sighed, opening the boot of the car. They put their luggage in it before getting in the car.

James slammed the boot down with so much anger and frustration before getting in the car with us.

The whole car ride was silent, except for the sniffling coming from my two sisters and the heavy breaths of my brother.

All I knew was that in the next few minutes, a million tears would be shed.

~Two Days Later~

I sighed, tying the band around my hair to keep the braid in tact. I sighed down at my outfit, not wanting to face this day.

“Are you ready, Christy?” 

“Yeah” I whispered, getting my bag and shoving my phone in it. I made my way to where Jessie was standing in her own black dress.

The car ride to the cemetery was long and agonizing, but I managed.

I made my way to the tent that was set up for the guests. People were already there and my mum’s casket was on a stand with flowers surrounding it.

I still couldn't grasp the fact that she’s…..gone. The ceremony dragged on and then we said our final goodbyes. Andrew flew in yesterday from Paris.

He didn’t actually care if it was a business trip. The people from the company wouldn't let him go as they didn't know the reason. But when Andrew told them, they immediately got a plane ticket for him.

He was by the casket, just staring blankly at it. I made my way to him, resting my hand on his shoulder. 

“I should’ve been here” He whispered.

“You had some business to attend to. It wasn’t your fault” I whispered back, hugging him from behind. 

“Don’t beat yourself up about it” I muttered.

He sighed, turning around to face me. He gave me a proper hug before he whispered.

“I miss her” 

“I miss her too” 

“We just need to be strong for ourselves and our siblings” I added into his ear. 

“Never live life in fear of death, right?” I questioned, pulling back from him.

He had a hint of a smile on his lips before he nodded.

“Never live life in fear of death” 

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