Karma's a bitch

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tw: PTSD


I was in the kitchen making a pot of rice for me and then for when my dad came home when someone knocked on the door. My dad doesn’t knock...no one has ever been here but my dad’s pimp. PTSD is a bitch--- I started hyperventilating and shaking while I walked to the door. 

They knocked again and I jumped. I was standing right infront of the door hesitating to open it. I wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and hide from whoever is outside this door.

I walked to the window and tried to peek but the wall was in the way. I held my breath and opened the door with shaky hands almost collapsing with who it was. A police officer was standing at the door. I stayed quiet and waited for her to say something

“Hey are you Lake rivins?”


“How old are you lake”


“Mm...okay can you pack all your personal belongings and come with me to the station please?”

“Do I have a choice?...”


“Okay I’ll go pack”

She nodded and I tried to not limp back to my room knowing she was watching me. I was really confused...was I in trouble? DId my dad do something and tell them his name was Lake?

I packed the little clothing I had in a worn out black backpack and walked back downstairs. She was still standing at the door but she was looking around with a questioning look on her face. Yeah the house isn’t exactly kid friends…

She smiled and I nodded walking past her. She closed the door and walked behind me to the police car. I was about to get in the back but she opened the door to the passenger seat.

“Your not a criminal”

I shrugged and sat down in the passenger seat

Time skip////

We walked inside the station and the first thing I saw was a woman with short ginger hair and light green eyes staring directly at me. I was shocked...I mean it can’t be her, right?

The lady started crying and walking towards me I backed up and bumped into the door. The lady stopped in her tracks and she looked sad...guilty. 

“A-are you…”

“Omg yes..look at you you’ve gotten so big”


I turned around towards the officer and asked her why I was their.. She looked at me with sympathy which made me even more confused…

“Your Father umm walker Rivins...passes away from overdose on unprescribed pills”

I just stared at her, for one figures for two...I feel sick. Not because I’m sad or wanna cry no, because the first thing I thought was 

‘Karma’s a bitch’

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