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My first few classes went by pretty quickly. No panic attacks or mid day freak outs or it's time for lunch. I don't wanna jinx myelf but---

Shits bout to go down

I waited 15 minutes after the lunch bell rung to go to the cafeteria. All eyes on me doesn't help with the anxiety but I just kept my head down and watched for pairs of feet I needed to dodge. I looked up for a quick second to see a few empty tables in the back. I went to the one away from all the other tables...even though they were empty.

I was to socially akward to go up and get my lunch so im just gonna starve...I heard two pairs of footsteps infront of the table when I laid my head down.


I looked up

"Can't we go back to the way it use to be?" karl asked

I couldn't hide my reaction fast enough my face formed into the look of 'unbelieveable did the mf really just ask that'. I can tell he regretted it after seeing my reaction.

"I could traitors will never know what happened in that household for two years, after you left"

"We might know some of it"


"You know...when we helped you with your panic attack you said somethings" Rehan

"Oh and sorry for touching you we didn't know you had that" Rehan

My eyes went wide hands visibly shaking...the fact that I aleady knew what I said scares the shit out of me.

What are they gonna think of me?

Do they think i'm a slut

Omg do they hate me

Wait why do I care if they hate m-

"Hey hey hey calm down's fine we won't ask you abou-"

"Good" I got up and walked away I heard one of them step after me but stopped probaly about to reach for my arm.

"We're sorry lake.."

It probaly wasn't meant for me to here but I did...I heard the guilt, sadness, hope to have me back. Almost made me want to turn around. I know it's not there fault of what happened in that household, but it is their fault I got left in complete darkness

Did I forget to mention it was their choice to go? Yeah...

Time skip/////

I got back home and seen Adrena, Adalene, and my mom sitting in the living room all cuddled up watching tv and laughing. She found happiness...I don't think that's something I will ever experience again though. I tried to tiptoe down the hall but...

"Lake? You home?" my mom asked

"Uhhhh yeah..."

"LAAAKEEEE" Adrena screamed. She ran towards me and put her arms up in up motion. I hesitated not knowing for a fact if it was just a mans touch, but I picked her up anyway. She laid her head down on my shoulder while I talked to Adalene and my mom.

"How was school?"

Sheesh...that's actually a question

"I-it was good I g-guess" I suck at conversations

"Oh okay that's good, umm for dinner it's tacos be down at 6"

Damn couldn't get invited to watch the movie with you?

"Lakeyyy wanna watch rapunzel with us?"

I smiled at her...yes smiled, and shook my head

"Mm no bunny, thanks for asking though"

Bunny? The fuck did that come from. This little girl is making me soft...maybe she can shine some light in my hole. I seen my mom frown out the corner of me eye probaly wanting me to join.


I sat her down and watched them walk back to the living room before heading to my room.

Authors note: wait nvm...I have nothing to say. Do you think he has good reasons to dislike or be upset with karl and rehan? I know I hate their names to lol.

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