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It's been a week since they stopped talking to me. After a few days you could tell it was bothering them as much it was bothering me. I had this mindset of walking up to them and apologizing every time I went to school.

But any time I saw them I would back out. Mainly because I would walk in on their makeout sessions. It's...well a sight, but not at times as confusing as this. I wonder who's the bottom..okay not the damn time

Definitely rehan... yeah


I was sitting at my lunch table eating nothing as always. I heard multiple footsteps coming up to me. I made a few female acquaintances but not this many. I looked up and it was a group of boys. I shivered already being able to tell what they wanted

They wanted to touch me

Sad thing about this? They are not in the cafeteria.

Guy number one grabbed my arm and that was already breakdown number one. I tried to fight him and stay seated, but another guy grabbed me. Breakdown number 2, it's not like I could scream what they were about to do.

One no proof two no one would believe me. I hung my head body tense while they literally dragged me to the bathroom. It was 6 guys....4 stayed out and guarded the bathroom while the same two holding my arms carried me inside.

Tw: rape scene

Guy number one held me down while guy number 2 yanked my clothes off. I was sobbing but they were going unheard since a heavy hand was clamped onto my mouth. So many things were happening...my skin was burning from being touched so much.

My breathing was heavy from the non stopping panic attack happening. The touches weren't sensual, they were scary and aggressive. Guy number 2 brought my arms above my head and sat on the while guy number 2 shoved his way inside me. I tried to scream out but it was yet again muffled. I struggled against their hold but that only got me slapped


The tears were non stop...I couldn't breathe. I didn't even notice when guy number one tensed his body and slid out of me. I only noticed when guy number two let go of my arms to switch positions. Are they going to switch out between all 6 guys? This is when I lost it and ' tried to get up swinging my arms and legs, but that action got cut short.

It's happening again

Were the words swirling through my head


Rape scene over

I faintly heard yelling outside the bathroom...my body lying limp on the floor. Feeling the two bodies getting up and treading away while two new bodies replaced the lost ones...the monsters

I didn't even try to move. I couldn't. Tears still streaming down my face, body still shaking...

I don't even need a shower...I need them

I woke up surrounded by heat. I felt 2 pairs of arms around me. I was scared...but it felt familiar, normal, safe. But then I thought about the night before. It happened again...I couldn't stop it. I'm so weak..

'I'm sorry...I can't do it. I've been thinking about it for a while now, but this pushed me to the edge. It's happened before...and it happened again. Who's to say it won't happen again? I eventually had to die...I'm so so sorry for everything. I...love you guys, more than I should. I needed you.. But I feel as though even if you were there nothing would have stopped this outcome. Tell my moms I love them...tell Adalene I love her and I'm sorry. Tell her to take care of poppie. Tell my mom I tried. I really did. I hope you guys forgive me for my actions.



I folded the paper and set it down at the edge of the bed. I looked at them before heading to the highway bridge...

Time skip

Karl's POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Rehan as usually...but were missing a body. I shot up from the bed and woke up Rehan

We searched the whole house and checked outside. We noticed his phone on the bed with 50 missed calls from his mom. I called her back and told her he was here with us but woke up to find him gone...and that's when Rehan saw the letter.

He fell to the floor and started crying repeatedly telling me to read the letter. I told Ariel to hold on and read the letter

'I love you guys more than I should...I needed you'

"Umm Ariel..." My voice cracked


"I know..."

Than she hung up

"We have to find him..."

Author: ....sheesh

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