I need his touch pt.1

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I woke up this morning not wanting to get up. It was one of those days where you just weren’t into it. My alarm went off at 7:30 and I let it continue to go off while I stared at the ceiling lost in my thoughts. My mom came in my room trying to get me out of bed but I wouldn’t budge...I couldn’t 

So she got Adalene and Adalene dragged me out of bed..literally. And when I didn’t move off the floor they got adrena to mess with me...when I say mess with me I mean she poured Ice water on my face. Which brought back an unpleasant memory instantly making me get up.

So today...I’m more depressed than usual and sluggish. My thoughts are somewhere else and I just wanna sit down, and not move forever. When you're two hours late the first thing you wanna see is not your two ex best friends making out next to the bathroom. 

They stopped and turned my way when they heard footsteps. I froze...shocked. Thoughts actually coming back to me, thought they're not good ones. I couldn’t stop the tears from welling up into my eyes. I tried to blink them away, but that did nothing but let them lose.

Is this why they left?

They looked scared...guilty? Fuck are they guitly for wait- fuck am I crying for? Cause they left for each other?


Karl took a step towards me and I instantly took one back. He frowned but I didn’t give a flying elephant fucks. Then Rehan took multiple steps forward, making me take multiple steps back. He gasps when I bumped into someone. I turned around fast and stumbled back, not even processing the fact that I just touched a male

The only thing on my mind was

I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough

I thought we were the 3 amigos, 3 musketeers, 3/3. I turned around and walked to the bathroom wiping the tears they kept falling down my face. I didn’t even bother to get rid of the two traitors following behind me. I got to the bathroom and closed the stall

“Kaiden can we explain please” karl

“explain what? That you fell in love and left the broken friend behind” 

They both looked taken aback by my response

“W-what n-no-” rehan

“It’s whatever...I wasn’t good enough I guess. Just stop trying to re-enter my life when your the ones who chose to leave”

I slammed open the stall and walked out. Surprised I didn’t have a panic attack...shit jinxed it

I held my chest and panted trying to get the air back into my lungs while my thoughts continued to make me want to jump of a cliff

They fell in love

They left


They don’t need the 3

I’m always the last choice



Left behind

I was once again in someone's arms now thinking about being trapped instead of left behind

“P-please let me g-go y-your only g-gonna make it w-worse”

“You said that last time just relax”

“I fucking c-can’t y-your t-t-ouching me. Just get off”

My skin started to itch...but not as much as it usually does when touched by a male..it’s bearable and I didnt mind until I got back my senses. I felt relaxed for once.

“Just l-let me g-go”

 He still didn’t let me go so I thrashed my legs and arms making him let go and quickly got up. Rehan grabbed my arm and I yanked it out of his hold back slapping him on instinct. I gasped and repeatedly apologized 

“I-I-I’m s-sorry” I sobbed out

I stepped towards him but stepped back when karl walked up to him. I started backing up but froze when Rehan looked towards me...I guess it was in the moment when He slapped me-

Authors note: it's gone get get happier lol first few chapters gon be cry worthy. I think this gone be a short story

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