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When you realised that what he did to you and now you are worrying for him this much which makes you clear that how much you are in love with him...


You really wanted to talk to Taehyung about his feelings. He always smiles around you and does whatever you say and stay in his position but you don't know what he feels about all this, and now even the baby thing, you are scared but he didn't except anything he just smilled and was happy with all this which is bothering you so much,you really know he must feel really unstable given that the he is the father  so the thing scaring you is not expressing it, he just smiles and accepts everything he is your friend since childhood and you know that Taehyung is not accounting that much it's just puts you in pressure and stress.

You where thinking when you heard a sleepy male voice.

Taehyung: y/n what are you doing here?
Y/N: nothing... Just didn't get sleep.

He came and sat beside you.

Taehyung: why? Tomorrow we have College. Go sleep don't strain yourself, you must be careful now.

Y/N: you go sleep I am not sleepy now

Taehyung: If you are not sleepy it means something is not bothering you... What is it Y/N?

This is how much he knows you

Taehyung: is it the baby thing?

Y/N: that one thing..

Taehyung: then what's the other?

Y/N : so many thing Taehyung

Taehyung: y/N worrying without sleeping is going to affect the baby only.. so come on.... Let's sleep

Y/N: Taehyung why are you behaving like everything is ok? Are you ok with everything that is happening? Why aren't you saying anything?

Taehyung: what is it y/n? I can't understand?

Y/N: do you understand that you are giving up on your youth?

Taehyung: I like to be with you Y/N. I like to be with our child.

Y/N; Taehyung. I know about you for years I feel all this wierd and also scared

Taehyung: why y/n why are you feeling scared?

Y/N :honestly, that all thess will exhaust you easily and you will start to hate me... Because each and everyday it is going to get tough only and very tough that in a blink everything will pass in front of our eyes. You are the father and you always keep smiling. I know how much pressure yoh will be going through which would be more horrifying for you daily but--

Taehyung: Y/N.... If I had controlled myself that night
.. we wouldn't be like this.... But I did everything while you were drunk that night and now I am paying for it.

Y/N: that is what I am saying once your pay is finished you will regret everything and seeing how everything passed away, you will hate everybody.

Taehyung: y/n~
Y/N: no Taehyung..... if you want to walk away... You can I won't convience yo.... And we will talk to your parents for this... I don't everyone to suffer.

Taehyung: Y/N... I accept that I am in pressure.... I accept that I am not that happy. Who wouldn't be if they are in my state. But when I see you.... The girl I love I forget everything. The girl I love and my child
So don't worry about this... I have given you enough headache.
And y/n thanks for thinking about me this much, when I touched you., I loved you and still I do and forever will... I don't want to leave you alone.. so don't think too much and go sleep.

Y/N :we will be okay ,right Taehyung?
Taehyung: y/n when you are confident, I am. When you are anxious, I am too. I think you are understanding what i am saying.

Y/N: hmmm.. our baby...
You said touching your stomach
Taehyung: be fine there can't wait to see you...

He talked looking at y/n stomach.
You laughed at his cuteness..

Y/N: thanks for being mature..
Taehyung: I always was but you didn't notice.
Y/N: fine...
Taehyung: come let's go sleep.

Five months passed by, you have stopped going college since last one week Taehyung goes college and comes home soon as possible to help you..your pregnancy mood swings started to show much, you don't have morning sickness anymore, you are going in good condition as Taehyung always make you eat healthy without you even saying.

Taehyung dad hired a new secretary to look after you and stay at home everytime with you. Taehyung mom is still guilty but is now happy after seeing you and Taehyung. Now everything was changing into positive side.

You were sitting with support of the pillow behind you on the bed. Taehyung was pressing yor legs.

T/D entered the room.
T/D: Y/N Everything is fine??
Y/N: yes dad.. it's just my legs swelled up a bit so Taehyung started pressing them.

T/M  entered too.
Y/N: mom dad do you need anything...
T/M: y/nie we have decided that you and Taehyung will be getting married not after your both graduation but after only Taehyung graduation.
Y/N: but mom

Taehyung mother sat beside y/n.

T/M: listen y/n me and your dad decided that after giving birth you can go to college but the only problem is that you would be facing many problem in handling things as Taehyung will be busy in the office and you will be in the college and the work so... Understand y/n it's not we are only thinking about Taehyung it's about your whole family and we don't want to see you stressed. Hope you are understanding.

Y/N I understand mom, I know if you have taken any decision so it might be for my good only.

You still had a bad feeling so you looked towards Taehyung with worried expression but he was also having the same.



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