When you give him a bath (Chapter 3)

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This husky does not like baths ever since when he was a puppy, he would run away from his original owner and hide somewhere in the house. It's your job as a pet owner to give Steele a bath if he smells dirty or it's the right time to do it.

If you ever try giving him a bath, well good luck with that. He will basically hide from you or growl aggressively. Even, he will know your plans on tricking him.

Y/n: "A game of fetch?"

Steele: 'How about no?'

Y/n: "There's a squirrel outside? Wanna chase it?"

Steele: 'Nice try.'

Y/n: "Want for a walk boy?"

Steele: 'We already took a walk.' (Him laying on the couch).

(Insert that Spongebob Squarepants quote)

Y/n: "Steele, it's that time of a month again. Bath time!"

Steele: *wide eyes*

You have some bath products you bought for pets and a grooming brush to clean his fur (he likes that if he's shedding or somewhat).

You set up a bath outside your home for Steele to jump in. Before hopping in, you need to take his collar off so it won't soak or worst rust the buckle.

The funny part, Steele would sometimes throw tantrums (like the one from Youtube) by making weird dog noise. It makes you laugh and a bit annoyed to forcefully drag your husky outside.

You have to make him stay still while scrubbing his fur with shampoo and body wash, or he will run away. It will take you 20 or 30 minutes to finish up cleaning him, and plus 5 minutes on running after him.

If you invite a friend over for some back up, ooooh get them some suitable gears like gloves or something to protect them with. Steele will bite your friend if they touch his fur (his tail also includes in which he hates being touched or grabbed. It's like the sensitive part).

After the long bath, he will ignore you for a week and refuse to play with you. Eventually for a while, Steele will secretly miss your petting or giving him his favorite treats for being a good boy. Even, he miss when you give him a juicy roasted meat as leftovers.

Your Pet Husky (Steele x Human!Owner!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now