When you take him to the groomer (Chapter 13)

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You drag Steele to the pet store for a grooming treatment. His fur is growing long so you decided to take him there. He doesn't mind the groomers since the employees did an excellent job on giving him a proper haircut. The dogs at the groomers are mostly females since they like to flirt at the Siberian husky.

You see mostly poodles with different and fashionable haircuts in which Steele feels uncomfortable on getting one of those. And if he ever got one, some of the domestic dogs at the groomer will laugh at his new look and Steele will deeply glare and growl at them. Or he might tail slap them in the face.

You waited outside the grooming room for Steele to be finish. He enjoys the groomers cutting his fur, you couldn't help but film it through the window (Steele might basically glare at you since there's no curtains in the room). You think it's pretty cute seeing him very relax while they do their work on cutting some of his fur, brushing it, and then blow drying the cut fur off of Steele.

But one thing Steele despise the most was the bathtub in the grooming room . Oh yeah, you totally forgot about it. Steele hates baths but can't you blame the employees of your warnings? Eventually no since Steele will bite them if they go near him or try to drag him to the tub.

Y/n: "Steele no!"

They manage to hold him in the bathtub while the others scrub his fur with shampoo and conditioner. You even apologize to the employees of his behavior or if one of them got bitten by him. And later on, you paid them for the grooming treatment they gave to Steele.

Y/n: "For now on Steele, no more bacon treats for a week."

Steele: 'You're evil Y/n.'

Your Pet Husky (Steele x Human!Owner!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now