When you guys enter a dog show (Chapter 15)

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You heard about the contest from a tv commercial, the winner will win a $50,000 check and free toys and treats for their dog.   Steele never joined a dog show but finds it enjoyable. Likes to show off his skills in front of the other competitors and judges. Will probably tail whip one of the dogs in the face.

You see a bunch of dog owners competing as well in the contest with their dogs groomed pretty (imagine the furs being clean with lots of shampoo and conditioner and cutter into different shapes or patterns and bows on their heads for the small fluffy dogs), shiny collars being decorated, and hair coloring on their fur. 

(Note: Do not color Steele's fur or he will shred your bed pillows. Be warn reader).

If you and Steele have a rival, the wannabe competitor and their show-off dog will be judgmental making you and Steele feel uncomfortable and also glare at them.

Steele doesn't like Y/n's rival being rude/disrespectful to her (this villain will probably be devious about it and might sabotage the wannabe dog's act in the first or other rounds).

The female dogs at the competition flirts with Steele, you giggle how he is getting attention and the expression on his face looks disgusted or not amused. And also doesn't like when other dogs sniff his butt, Steele will immediately bark at them saying "Back off weirdo!"

In one of the rounds, you taught him some simple dog tricks like shaking his left or right paw, sitting, playing dead, speak, begging, rolling over, and finally acting innocent. The judge will "woo" over him of the last part and add points to his score.

The obstacle course was pretty easy for Steele since his running skills amazed the judges and the audience as well. Jumping through hoops, run pass side by side through the standing-up poles, going through the tubes, walking on a wooden platform while moving straight, and running up the ramp (your rival is jealous of Steele showing off in the course and taunting them including their dog).

Imagine Steele made a fancy sitting pose and a smexy grin in front of the judges, audience, and the female dogs too. 10/10 for Steele the Husky and his owner Y/n L/n!

The two of you ended up as first place winners of the dog show, the judges handed blue ribbons for you and Steele, a golden trophy, a $50,000 check, and dog toys and treats for Steele. Your rival will throw a childish tantrum while their dog groan in disappointment.

Steele give himself a smirk of their embarrassing/losing expression as he watch them complain, and then he gives you a lick on the cheek. You giggle his tongue tickling your skin so you pet his head.

Y/n: "You we're great today Steele. I'm so proud of you, my wonderful husky." You smiled, hugging Steele while the cameramen took pictures of them.

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