Chapter 11

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Boo Seungkwan

[Third Person POV]

At a very young age, can you describe what's love? And what's attraction? Is love different from attraction? Or it's not love nor attraction? How can you really say you're in love with someone? Is being attached to a person is enough to define so thing called love? Well but for the naive Y/N it's true love he's been 'In love' with her best friend since in diapers. "Hey Y/N-ahh what are you wearing?? You look like a clown" Seungkwan said while laughing, for other girls it'll be annoying but for Y/N it made her naive heart fluttered. "It's what's trendy this days so I wanted to try it too just like other girls did" Y/N said looking down while fidgeting her fingers. Seungkwan then held her chin and forced her to look at him directly in the eyes, "You don't have to be like them Y/N you're already perfect, you don't need to wear those kind of things. You beautiful for outside and inside." He said fluttering Y/N's heart she then nods slowly. "I'll go remove it then" Sha said walking away from his warm touch.

"Ok I'll wait for you here so we can go, our friends are waiting for us" "Ok" she hurriedly went to the restroom and removed the thick make up she wore. She was kinda disappointed because she thought Seungkwan which is her crush would like it, but he didn't and even asked him to remove it. But after all, she's touched by his fluttering words. She wore a smile in her face before going out of the washroom and saw Seungkwan waiting for her in just a distance.

"The couple's hereeee~" a girl in red said looking at the new arrived Seungkwan and Y/N they all laughed, why would they be a couple? They're more than best friends. Yes more than, Seungkwan treats Y/N as her younger sister because he doesn't has any and everyone knows that. Only Y/N's the one who's thinking his in love with her too. But little did she knows he likes someone else and he's just shy to tell her because it's someone who's special to Y/N.

Day by day Y/N's falling deeper and deeper until she can't hold it anymore. So he asked Seungkwan to come meet her at the Park. "Hey Y/N-ieee, you need something?" He asked and gave her oranges their favorite. "Ahmm, I have something to tell you." She said opening the orange, "Ahh so do I, you go fist then." He said she got startled, "No you go first it's ok" "No you" "No you" "Let's just say it together then" Seungkwan suggested. "Ok then in a count of 3"
"1 2 3-- I like Seyeon"-Seungkwan
"I like--" Y/N didn't finished her words because of what Seungkwan said. "Why didn't you finished what you just said?" Seungkwan asked her "Ah I like the new endorsement of IU" she lied. Seungkwan lightly laughed "So you like it? And asked me out to tell me that?" He again laughed, "So you like Seyeon?" Y/N asked Seungkwan then looked away, at that point she already knew what that means. Y/N smiled painfully, "So you really like her, I can help you out." She said Seungkwan then looked at her "Really?? Your going to do that???" He asked shooked "Of course, I'll do anything for my... Best friend." She almost whispered the last part. He then hugged her "Thank youuu so much Y/N!" He hugged her tighter, little did Seungkwan know Y/N is resentful to that statement, she don't want to help them to be together. She wanted to tell her that she likes him, but will that change the fact that he likes her best friend? No it's not. That's why she remained quiet and screamed a painful cry inside.

They made a plan on how will Seungkwan court her best friend. The next day, Y/N asked Seyeon out. Now they're at their favorite café and within 20 min Seungkwan will show up and for her that's the end for her love towards Seungkwan. "Hey Y/N, what's up?" Seyeon greeted her, "Hey Seyeon-ah! How have you been? I haven't saw you for a week" she said, they both laughed. Seyeon is a news reporter that's why she's always busy gathering up news and interviews. "It's been a longgggg week I guess" she said. They ordered their favorite drink which is Strawberry latte with lemon almond cake. "So I have something to tell you" Y/N then started "What is it?" Seyeon asked, Y/N took a deep breath. "Seungkwan likes you... And he's going her to confess within 15 min." She said Seyeon was shooked, "What?" She asked confused is shown in her beautiful face. Y/N just nod "What do you want me to do?" She asked Y/N smiled and held her hands seems like expecting that question. "I want you to love him back and never let him go." She said, Seyeon again is shooked. "But... He's your first love? Y/N I can't I don't want to hurt you." Seyeon said Y/N smiled and held her hands tighter. "Y/N no, I want you to be happy." Seyeon said looking at Y/N with teary eyes, Y/N shooked her head and tears are falling down her face.

"It'll make me happier with I see Seungkwan happy to be with you." Y/N said still crying, so did Seyeon. "Y/N.." she whispered. "Please Seyeon, I know he will be happy being with you. And I'm ok with that." Y/N said wiping her tears off, "Aishh, you and your naive heart." Seyeon said Y/N just laughed. "Seyeon-ahh, please listen to me carefully. I want you to held his hands as tight as how I hold your hands, never let it go. Never hurt him nor broke him, he's the most precious thing I have besides you. Please don't let him fall alone. I'm now giving you my precious thing, please take care of him so do you. I want you to love each other, I want you to love him more than I do." Y/N said while crying, Seyeon then nodded also crying. "Tomorrow we're moving to Busan, please don't tell him." Y/N said "What?? What are you going to do there?" Seyeon asked, "I need treatment" Y/N honestly confessed. "For what??" Y/N then looked at her heart "Ever since I was young, I thought I was all fine. But at the age 5 we found out I have heart disease, when I met Seungkwan I thought it's complete and now I think it's not. Foolish me for not taking that surgery." She said Seyeon was shooked.

"Y/N-ahh" Seyeon again cried, "Shh, I'm not yet dead" she said laughing. She then saw Seungkwan waiting, "Wipe off your tears, he's outside." Y/N said they both wiped their tears. Seungkwan approached them "Hey" he said Y/N smiled, "Oh your here, I'll just go to the washroom." Y/N said Seyeon held Y/N's hand because she already knew it'll be the last day they'll see each other. Y/N smiled at her, "Seungkwan-ah please stay with Seyeon first, she doesn't want being left alone." She said and walked away, tears falling down from her eyes. 'I love you Seungkwan-ah, and I'm letting you go now.' she said to herself while walking away.

[Y/N's POV]

3 years had passed by fastly, I bet Seyeon and Seungkwan's doing just fine. Since then I left Seoul I lost all contacts to them, I'm all fine now I took the surgery that day and decided to live her for good probably. I miss Seyeon the most, so I decided to call her. "Hello?" She said I smiled "Still has a sweet voice" Y/N complimented her. "Wait who's this?" Seyeon asked "Aww, you already forgot me. I bet 3 years is really long." I said sighing "Y/N" Seyeon asked and I then smiled "Seyeon-ahh!" "Y/N-ahh, I missed youuuuu!" I heard Seyeon crying "Heyy, up to until now still a cry baby?" I asked Seyeon then laughed lightly, "Aishhh, you haven't contacted me for 3 years and now you're just doing it." She said still crying, "Aww sorry Seyeon-ahh" I said. "Where are you? Are you going back to Seoul now?" Seyeon Said "No, me and my parents decided to stay here for good. How are you?" I asked her, "I'm fine. I'm also at Busan to gather some news, text me your location and I'll go there." Seyeon said and so I did send her my location. We talked a lot that day, and she told me that he and Seungkwan didn't worked out because they're both busy. I also heard that Seungkwan's doctor now, I remembered that's his dream when we we're still young. He even said he wanted to be a doctor so that he can cure my disease. And now he's happily married to someone. I'm happy for him, he finally find someone for him to love.
I never regretted letting him go, why? Because I found my true self away from that foolish love I have towards my best friend.

It's long and tiring?😹 LMAO, enjoy reading!✨ Don't forget to vote, I means a lot to me~✨

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