Chapter 12

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Chwe Hansol


Does true love really matters? Or it still depends on our elders. Honestly speaking? No one can dictate our heart on who we will choose, when Cupid's arrow hits you it hits you. You can't run, you can't hide, nor deny. Sometimes being born in a wealthy family means a lot, big expectations and the worst part is being engaged with some you don't know and you don't love. That's the biggest burden you'll have. But for me I know I can take risk, just for the one I really love.
"Hey, Y/N." Vernon said, "Are you still listening?" He added I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at him "I know you're not, what are you thinking about? Another guy?" He then pouts and I laughed "No, I'm just thinking my future with you." I said and he smiled. We've been together for 2 years now, yes sometimes it's hard but as long as we're together we can handle all things. "You're making me flutter" he said, and I laughed. He held my hand and looked at me. "I can't see my future with you, because no one can see the future but I promise you that you're the only girl I'll love and I'll Mary." He said I smiled and nodded.

But that one changed as we aged, my role in our family. As I aged I need to understand the life of business, and now we're meeting our new business partner. I was forced to come because my dad said I need to meet my 'fiancé' I already told this issue to Vernon and he's saying was it's ok and it won't affect our relationship. "Good morning Mr. Hong." My dad greeted our new business partner, "Good morning Mr. Kim, I see you're here with your daughter." He looked at me and I bowed. "Ah yes, also is that your son?"my dad said and there I noticed a guy seating near Mr. Hong. And to my surprise it's Vernon's friend, Joshua. I smiled at him when our eyes met. "Ah yes, this is Joshua my son." He said and I bowed. "This is Y/N my only daughter." My dad said and I bowed again, "Nice meeting you young lady" he said and extended his hands I reached it out and bowed lightly "The pleasure is mine Mr. Hong." I said and looked at Joshua, "It's nice meeting you again." I said, since me and Vernon dated Joshua disappeared like a ghost. "Me too Y/N" he said and hugged me. "Good thing you know each other." His dad said I smiled. 

I told this thing about Vernon and he was also happy seeing his bestfriend again. We've been hanging around a lot of time, what I mean is almost every day. "Hey, Y/N I see you and Joshua hang out every day." My dad said, "Yeah, because we're friends with him. Me and my boyfriend." I said, "Didn't I told you to break with him already?" He said "No, I won't break up with him." I said "Y/N why are you so stubborn?" He said "Dad between me and you you're the one who's stubborn. You can't just dictate who I will love and who I will marry. Yes I'm your daughter and I owe you a lot since I was born. Buy marrying Joshua and leaving Hansol isn't right. You can disown me if you want to, but I won't ever break up with Hansol." I said and leave.

The next day I decided to go see Vernon in their house. I knocked 3 times before her sister went out to open the door. She was shooked when she saw me "Hey, are you ok? You look startled. What's wrong?" I asked her "N-no nothing unnie." She said and made way so that I can go inside their house I smiled "Where's Vernon tho?" I asked her. "He-he's in the room. Resting." She said, I know something is up. She's not used shatter when talking with me. "Hey Sofia, I know something is up. What is it? You can tell me. It seems like you're nervous." I told her and held her hands she looked at me with teary eyes. "Unnie, your father threatened us. He said he'd kill us if Oppa won't break up with you." She confessed I was shooked "What?!? Why will he do that???" I asked her "He told us it's because you and Joshua oppa will be married soon. Joshua oppa was with him while they beat Oppa." She said letting her tears go. I hugged her "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I know that's traumatic for you. I'm really sorry for what my father did." I told her also crying. "No unnie, you did nothing." She said. We calmed ourselves and I went to Vernon's room, I knocked first and heard his permission. He was lying on the bed full of bruises, and I guess he can barley breath. I teared up while looking at his situation. It's all my dad's fault. I wiped my tears and smiled when he saw me. "Y-y/N" he said shooked and tried to sit so I immediately run to help him.

"You shouldn't sit on your own, especially if you can't." I told him and looked at his face that has a lot of bruise. Then suddenly tears fell down my eyes. "I'm sorry" the only word I said while tracing his bruise in his face. He held my hand "It's not your fault Y/N you did nothing." He said I cried more. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault." I said he shooked his head. "Y/N look at me" he said I looked at him "You know I love you right?" I nod "And I think this time your dad is right." He said and smiled "W-what are you talking about?" I asked him with wide eyes he smiled "I'm setting you free." He said and it's like my world stoped "What no! I won't let that happen Hansol! I don't want to!" I said but he held my hands "I don't want you to be disowned by your only family Y/N that's why I'm doing this. Since your mom left this world only your dad became your family." He said and I can't say anything I'm just crying "But now you and Sofia is my family, it's ok if he disowned me as long as I'm with you." I told him "No Y/N, your mom asked before she die when this day happen, I'll let you go." He said "No, no. I don't want to, please Vernon don't do it. Please." I said begging him he held my chin and looked at my eyes. "Y/N I love you more than words can explain, but it's your mom last request. Also Joshua likes you and I don't want to ruin our friendship that's why I'm letting you go." He said also crying now. He gave me the wedding invitation that my dad probably gave him. "I'll be there don't worry. For one last time, can you say you love me too?" He asked I looked at him I held his face "I love you Chwe Hansol from your perfection to your imperfections. You're the only guy I loved and will always love. I'll find you in my next life, I'm sure we'll be together there." I said he smiled and kissed my forehead and my dad's guards appeared from nowhere and dragged me out of their house. For the last time I saw him smile at me, the smile I can't see until I die.

3 months after I saw myself walking at the aisle imagining Vernon is the one who's waiting for me at the altar but as I walk closer I saw Vernon standing beside Joshua he looked at me with teary eyes, for 3 months I haven't seen his face nor heard something about him and Sofia. I smiled at him and he smiled back to me he muttered 'I miss you' that made me smile more so do him. I won't let this curruel fate and society tear us apart in our next life I promise to find him no matter what.

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