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Mika: Ok Yoichi?

Yoichi: Y r u privat chating me?

Mika: Not important

Yoichi: No it is cause now we r frinds!!! :)

Mika: Please turn autocorrect on

Yoichi: Nop! I can spel v.good jus so u knee.

Mika: Did,

Mika: Did you mean "know"?

Mika: Also why is your spelling ok in the group chat but not in private chat?

Yoichi: Les efort

Mika: This hurts my eyes

Yoichi: Ive ben told

Mika: With good reason

Yoichi: >:( ther s no raisin!

Mika: tf

Mika: It's reason, not raisin you spineless barnacle

Yoichi: >:(

Mika: Anyway

Yoichi: Yes?

Mika: I want you to come with me to that ice cream place down the street.

Yoichi: Wait wat

Mika: Refusing is not an option. I shall contribute this to my will to socialize. Call that Mitsuba girl as well, I wish to be amicable with her too.

Yoichi: :D FRINDS!!!!!

*Yoichi has added Mitsuba*

Mitsuba: .

Mitsuba: Friends?

Yoichi: Frends!!

Mika: Friends.

Mitsuba: Ok then friends. :)

Mika: Yeah ok whatever.

Yoichi: :DDDDD

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