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(Mika and Ferid are away at DM's)

yuu-chan: hey guys were r u?
and also

*yuu-chan has changed Kimizuki to kikidouluvme*

kikidouluvme: screw you

shoe: ur luky mika isnt here

yuu-chan: were r mika and mitsuba

kikidouluvme: wut abt Yoinki

yuu-chan: . . . PFFFFFTTTT

shoe: oh my where did this sense of humour develope from? You certainly lacked it before~

kikidouluvme: . . .

kikidouluvme: and also why r u typin like Ferid

shoe: it was a dare ok

*yuu-chan has changed Yoichi to Yoinki*

Yoinki: :(

kikidouluvme: Yūichirō Hyakuya lock your doors.

yuu-chan: shit

*Feral has added Crowley to the groupchat*

*Crowley has changed username to theverybest*

theverybest: hah yeah I am

yuu-chan: you are

theverybest: So you admit ehh

yuu-chan: the biggest maggot I have ever had the misfortune of encountering in my life.

kikidouluvme: . . . . .

Yoinki: . . . . .

shoe: . . . . .

itchynose: press f to pay your respects

idku: f

shoe: f

kikidouluvme: f

Yoinki: f

theverybest: .

*theverybest has muted the chatroom for 24 hours*

yuu-chan: lmao loser

shoe: im surprised u came up with tat

Yoinki: Yes I am too but on more serious note where is Mitsuba? I have not seen her in a while....Do you know by any chance Shinoa?

idku: do u noa?

itchynose: what

yuu-chan: what

kikidouluvme: wait what

shoe: oh nope no idea would you look at that my phone battery is at 1% shame if it died on me. . .

kikidouluvme: u hv a laptop

shoe: . . . .

kikidouluvme: and I kno ur using ur phone which is most definitely not at 1%.

yuu-chan: how?

kikidouluvme: she was charging it one hour ago when we were all together at my house.

Yoinki: Oh yes she was which means she is probably hiding something which is very unlike Shinoa does she not trust us....... D:

kikidouluvme: . . . Shoeface apologize or I'll make a point of finding out and telling Yoichi here

yuu-chan: lol whipped

itchynose: what the hell

idku: wat do u mean Guren

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