Guren and Shinya find out~

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shoe: fjrkgkskrkfkfieir

mitochondria: Shinoa? Noa wuts wrong?

Kimizuki: noa? lol ehehe

Yoichi: kimi-chan that's not nice..

Kimizuki: sorry sorry

yuu-chan: lmao kimi-chan

Mcmika: yuu-chan.....

shoe: hahaha losers

yuu-chan: Shinoa?

*shoe has added Guren and Shinya to the chat*


Mcmika: Shinoa made Yuu-chan mad. Shinoa lock your doors :) .

Guren: this is what Yuu was doing in class eh didn't know he and Kimizuki had so many friends


Shinya: lol y is Yuu's spelling better than urs kimi-chan?

Kimizuki: meet me in Denny's parking lot I just wanna talk.

Shinya: lol no

yuu-chan: hah idiot Guren

Guren: your still there?

yuu-chan: shut up loser and watch

*yuu-chan has changed Guren's username to itchynose*

*yuu-chan has changed Shinya's username to idku*

yuu-chan: btw wer s Shinoa?

mitochondria: WHERE IS SHINOA?

shoe: rite here they stole my phone and added themselves

idku: . . .

itchynose: . . .

*Ferid has yeeted himself into the chat*

Ferid: hello~

*yuu-chan has changed Ferid's username to Feral*

Feral: wow I'm so hurt :(

Mcmika: no one cares go die

Yoichi: pfft

Kimizuki: lmao savage Mika is scary

yuu-chan: no mika isn't scary wut r u talking abt?

shoe: well you see-

Mcmika: shut up.

shoe: yes sir

yuu-chan: ?

Mcmika: it's ok it's nothing

Feral: aww yuu-chan is here too! Don't wanna look scary in front of princess would you?

yuu-chan: yea y wouldnt i be? And did u jus call me princess?

Kimizuki: lol y indeed

Mcmika: Yuu-chan is not your princess.

Feral: oh?

yuu-chan: screw dis imma go get some chicken nuggets.

Mcmika: hey Ferid dm me I just want to talk.

Feral: oh oh oh no oh god

Kimizuki: lmao good luck you piece of sh-

itchynose: I dare u 2 say it and you will do 40 laps tomorrow before u go on ur mission

Kimizuki: shin san please help

idku: come on Guren let the kid vent

Kimizuki: u kno wat nvm.

shoe: lmao "the kid"

mitochondria: noa cmon we ll be l8 if we dont hurry

shoe: kk bye shin im going to hurry curry ill be bac soon.

itchynose: ye we gtg 2 shinya

idku: rite bye

Kimizuki: ok then Yoichi head over

Yoichi: kk bye Mcmika

Mcmika: bye and Ferid let's dm ok? See you there!

Feral: shit

(Do you want to know what happens in Mika's and Ferid's DM's or continue without? Comment down below!)

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