I'm very sorry

326 15 1

Yuu-chan: I like you sketchers you like me my Gucci shoes?

Mcmika: I'm sorry what?

Yoinki: If your hotdog tastes like a piece of whaaa who you gonna call? Golf mustard!

kikidouluvme: Yoichi you're scaring me what's wrong?

snek: I am the monster that's under my bed....

car: Noa? What monster?

Yuu-chan: Can't stop this feeling..

Mcmika: What feeling?

Yoinki: So just die, die, die

idku: They have officially gone insane. Guren we need to call someone to help these kids.

Yuu-chan: We're just friends he said....just friends..

snek: And then I realised I burnt the biscuits...


Feral: Mika getcha manz get him

Yuu-chan: I like you sketchers you like me my gucc-

Yamaguchi: You called?

Tsukishima: Urasai Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi: Gomen Tsukki!

*kikidouluvme has deleted 2 contacts and deleted 2 messages*

Feral: Why are there so many wierd messages and usernames

theverybest: It's nothing really don't worry about it
It's all probably someone's spam messages

Yoinki: ^

kikidouluvme: Seriously tho I'm getting bored here there's not enough braincells to conduct an actual conversation.

*??? has entered the chat*

???: Why hello and before you can ask you don't know me but I'm not the author. I'm an AI created to make your chatroom experience smoother.

Mcmika: Wtf this isn't an airplane

???: No it isn't but first I have come to add 3 members to this chat. Once you discover who they are or what they go by they will then leave.

itchynose: Do I get no say in this?

???: No. You do not.

*??? has added 3 people to the chat*

*??? has left the chat*

1: What

2: the

3: Chicken nuggets

1: You ruined it

3: Ehh I don't care

2: Both of you shut up- OMG IS THAT YUU?

To be continued......

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