Part 2

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Mcmika: Okay who wants to assist me in bloody murder?

Yoinki: He might have made a typo! Why are you reacting like this?

Mcmika: It was a honest answer. What typo would be there?

Mcmika: Aight that's it ya wanna go @car and go commit break law?

car: Yes.

Mcmika: Meet me at the pit in 5.

car: Roger that.

*Mcmika is offline*
*car is offline*

kikidouluvme: That's not good

Kimizukikinnie: No shit Sherlock

Yoinki: Guys...

Feral: I'm going too. My OTP was destroyed and I seek vengeance.

theverybest: I guess if you go I have to as well. Alright.

idku: Guren we have unnoffical work to do now. Get your ass up we should go.

itchynose: Ugh what a drag. Fine.

kikidouluvme: Are you kinning Shikamaru?

itchynose: Who tf is ski shoes?

kikidouluvme: Ah nevermind I should go watch Mitsuba. That'll be fun. Bye.

Yoinki: No one listens to me ;-;

Yoinki: Hey Krul?

Kimizukikinnie: Yes?

Yoinki: This whole situation was a typo that turned into a prank which turned into a mistake which turned into a disaster.

Kimizukikinnie: I'm so sorry kiddo. If you need help later I'll give you some.

Yoinki: Thank you! So much.

Kimizukikinnie: Just trying to help you out.

Kimizukikinnie: I've got to go. I'll check in the situation later I'm kinda busy now.

Yoinki: All right!

*Kimizukikinnie is offline*

Yoinki: Well time to sit down with the devil.

Asuramaru: Tell them I say hi!

Yoinki: Wtf

*Team YYS*

Yuu-chan: And that's how I got into a weird chatroom where this dude threatened to run a girl over with a tractor. It was wild.

snek: LMAO

snek: This is so funny why doesn't stuff like that happen to me

Yuu-chan: I don't know lmao

Yoinki: So bad things are happening with the prank it's going in the wrong direction

*Explains everything*

Yuu-chan: SHIT

snek: #### ##### ##### ############

(Swear worded so bad that I hashtagged it. Don't do this at home kids.)

To be continued....

A/N: Sorry I took too long to publish but d/w this will have a part 3 soon. I wanted three parts which is why the story update was so short.

Thank you and look forward to the update soon!

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