
354 19 15

Yuu-chan: I know what ur thinking

Mcmika: I'm thinking about you Yuu-chan!

Feral: Who would have guessed

theverybest: What a shocker

Kimizukikinnie: You've shocked me beyond comprehension

car: Wow we really are surprised

Yoinki: I am

kikidouluvme: Damn it Yoichi be more sarcastic

Yoinki: I wasn't though I was thinking of fat flying pigs


kikidouluvme: Why?

Yoinki: It seems sus in my head

kikidouluvme: Since when did you say Sus?

Yoinki: Since people started acting sus

kikidouluvme: Wtf does that mean?


itchynose: Wait shit

idku: And here we see an idiot in their glory

itchynose: Shut up

idku: Make me

itchynose: Ok

Kimizukikinnie: Lol yall are so wierd and funny I don't know how I lived before I saw this groupchat

Yuu-chan: Don't worry you won't live much longer

Kimizukikinnie: What does that mean

Yuu-chan: Knock knock

Kimizukikinnie: Oh no

Kimizukikinnie: Wait you're not there

Kimizukikinnie: You pLAYED ME!

Yuu-chan: Like thE CHEAP KAZOO YOU ARE

Kimizukikinnie: Unfriended, blocked, reported, my mom called your mom and you're not invited to my teen queen sweet sixteen birthday bash this summer

Mcmika: But you don't have a mom


*Kimizukikinnie has muted the chat for 2 hours*

theverybest: Damn guess she needed a burn heal

car: With an attack like that hun she needed a full restore

snek: I

snek: wOt

kikidouluvme: I love how cryptid we are

Yuu-chan: I love curry

Mcmika: I know Yuu-chan

Yuu-chan: I also like sailor moon

Mcmika: I know Yuu-chan

Yuu-chan: Why is there a box of premium sailor moon volumes 1-30 and a lunchbox filled with curry right outside my door?

Mcmika: I did it Yuu-chan I got that for you

Yuu-chan: I figured that out but like y?

Mcmika: Just because

Yuu-chan: Just because?

Mcmika: Because.

snek: And somehow that ain't creepy?

Feral: It isn't it's beautiful!~

idku: You aren't

Feral: I-

idku: You really aren't

Feral: But

idku: Stop kidding yourself you aren't


*Feral has muted the chat for 2 hours*

Yoinki: Oh look another one bites the dust

kikidouluvme: And another one down

itchynose: Why do you make it sound like it's the hunger games?

theverybest: Bold of you to assume it wasn't the hunger games.

itchynose:  I see what you're trying to say

Yuu-chan: What even?

car: Don't

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