The DM's.

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Mika: If you make any snide comments, insult or so much as talk to Yuu in a way he does NOT enjoy, I will not let it slide.

Ferid: And what will you do little Mika?

Mika: You want to know? Really?

Ferid: I cannot wait to know since cute people like you always have cuter ideas.

Mika: I will flay you alive, coat you with salt and cut pieces of your skin off. I will coat each individual portion of flesh with salt and watch you scream in terror and pain for hours and hours until you die of blood loss as your eyelids are held forcefully open and coated with chili powder and ghost peppers.

Ferid: UHHH

Mika: Opening your mouth is just consent to my actions. Thank you for showing your readiness to work with me. We shall have a lot of fun.

Ferid: Oh f*** me I'm going to die

Mika: You are for once, correct.

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