Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to P Sharma

Dude, this is for you! I know our friendship has been rocky, but we'll make it through. Thank you for always being there for me mate =) 

Chapter 1

I was lost, in his eyes... They had captured me in an in breakable gaze... Well that's what I thought anyway, someone grabbed my arm and practically ripped me from the mystery mcdreamy. And my daze was broken, and I got a second to study his face, his eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion, I raked my eyes slowly down his face, biting his ever so pouty lip-

"Cara, who is this?" Xavier. His voice wasn't curious, he basically meant 'who the fuck is this guy and why his arm around my girl.'

That’s one thing about Xav that I hate. He's too overprotective... Okay not the right word; he's too bloody jealous for his own good," Xav he just caught me before my head smashed into the ground, don't get your knickers in a twist," I replied coldly.

"Don’t you dare talk to me like that," he sneered at me, his grip was tightening on my arm, and I could feel the dull numbness ebbing though it.

"I'm going to be late for homeroom. Now get your hands off me," I replied not impressed by his childishness. And when he didn't let go I yanked my arm from his grip, almost falling over again in the process.

I turned to thank mystery mchottie. But he was gone... I'll just thank him later I thought walking to homeroom. But what if he doesn't even go to this school? What if he just came to drop of someone? My heart was racing a little too fast for my liking. It was only because I really wanted to thank him... Right? I chuckled lightly whilst sitting down next to Sapphire, my best friend.

"Cara are you seriously talking to yourself? You do realize that talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity right?" Saph said in mock horror. 

I instantly sobered up grinning at her,” Do you realize all your sarcasm may one day come and bite you on your ass," she put her hands over her lips dramatically, " Oh no!! Not my ass!" 

"What about your ass??" Jake, my other best friend asked eagerly as he sat on the other side of me. 

Saph winked at him," Oh wouldn't you like to know darling." Jake blew her a kiss, and I fake gagged,” can you guys stop with all the flirting is so sickening I might actually kill myself."

"Oh! In that case, if you die can I have your car?" 

I glared at him playfully," yeah suuuuure, and vampires and werewolves really exist."

"Don’t forget unicorns!" Saph added grinning.

Most of our conversations tend to always go this way, totally random and surreal. Well that's why I guess were beat friends. I and Saph go way back; her and my parents have known each other since forever; in a literal sense. 

We headed to our first class; we practically have the same timetable, with just a few odd ones out. First period was AP Chemistry. Our teacher Dr Barber is a total loony, his hair is all Einstein like; but he's an amazing teacher. 

"Morning class! Today we'll be doing basic salt analysis! Now how many of you know anything about salt analysis, anything at all, speak up kids!" he rubbed his hands expectantly and before anyone could give him an answer there was a knock on the door. As clichéd as it sounds all eyes turned to the door.

Mystery McHottie. In my AP Chemistry class. 

"Yes?" Dr Barber asked in his usual booming voice. He replied in an undertone, so low I couldn’t even hear him, but even that rugged whisper got my heart racing. I voice in my head echoed in my head... You have a boyfriend. And I grazed down to my notebook; I could feel my cheeks flushed slightly.

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