Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

We were back at school finally. The winter vacations blew over quickly. Time literally flew by with Blade around.

The police finally stopped investigating, since everything that was found that could have been a possible clue was turning out to be a dead end. So they just plastered it as a cold case. Mom, though, had heightened up security at home with light motion sensors, and an extra security guard manning the house.

She was extra worried about me as I was the one who seemed to be most traumatized. Well, she’s right about that. Even though Blade was with me that night, he didn’t seem too fazed by the whole ordeal. But whenever I mentioned the case to him, he seemed to stiffen up. I guess it’s a guy thing.

Xavier was back at school. He wasn’t like before anymore, he seemed pale, and shaky. I guess the chemo hasn’t been doing too good on him. Blade didn’t let me anywhere near him. I know he’s trying to be overprotective and all but somehow I still felt guilty. I left him at a time where he probably needed my support the most.

He tried to come to talk to me in the morning, but when he saw Blade’s hand encased in mine, he flipped out and gave up.

Blade and I still haven’t made it official yet. I mean we haven’t even been on a proper date yet, so how can he simply ask. I just couldn’t help but be drawn to him for some reason. It was me who made the first move and took his hand in mine this morning. He seemed extremely happy about it. I could’ve sworn I felt my heart tingle when he smiled so warmly at me.

We were sitting in AP Chemistry together. Now I was more then glad that he was my lab partner. Our knees were touching under the table, and Blade had his high stool shifted slightly towards me. I could feel his eyes bearing into the side of my face every now and then. Every time he did, a light flush would rise to my cheeks.

I was making notes absentmindedly on my notepad, looking at Dr Barber a little intently.

“Nice heart,” he whispered at me. I could practically hear the smirk through his voice.

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, “What are you talking about?”

I lifted my pen off my paper and looked down. My cheeks immediately went red. He was right; there was a heart there, just after my note on oxidation states. A little one with ‘B & C’ written inside it, I bit my lip. Shit, how embarrassing.

“I.. I was writing the alphabet,” I said lamely.

Blade burst out laughing. Dr Barber immediately looked round from the board, “Something funny, my boy?”

He gave me an ‘oh crap’ look, “Uh… Cara just asked me if oxidation states are dependant upon the number of protons.”

My jaw dropped, that jackass.

“No, no, nooo! Cara, oxidation states are dependant on electrons. This is because electrons play a key part in the chemical and physical nature of an atom, compound or ion!” he exclaimed at me cheerfully.

I gave him a smile, and put my head down pretending to jot down whatever he had just explained to me. When Dr Barber finally looked back round to the board, I reached out and pinched Blade’s arm as hard as I could.

He just wrinkled his nose like he was in slight discomfort, but nothing more.

“Seriously, I’m asking again, are you made of steel or something?” I grunted.

Blade looked like he was trying to stop himself from smiling, “I told you before, something like that.”

“You’re so annoying.” I stated plainly.

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