Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I was at Blade’s house chilling in front of his television. Though I was barely focused on it, my mind was ever wandering to the blood words that had been painted onto my ceiling. It was a chilling thought, but I couldn’t help it.  The whole situation was so supernatural; I mean who on earth can get onto my ceiling without making a sound? It’s not as if any human could do it, especially without a ladder of some sort.

The door thudded shut. I jumped. It was only Blade though, he had a light smile on his face, but it didn’t reach his eyes… No, his eyes spelt it all out- he was worried, and was trying to keep it from me, to be strong for my sake.

Its not like I was scared or anything… Okay, that’s a lie, I was fucking terrified, but I didn’t need sympathy, or pity. I could take care of myself.

He kissed me lightly on my forehead and sat down next to me so there was barely an inch between us.

This has been going on for the past couple days. The cuddly, touchy feely stuff I mean. I think he knew I didn’t want to talk about it yet, but that didn’t stop him from touching me every chance he got. Not that I was complaining or anything.

I’ve been here for about three days now. Three bloody days and the police are still baffled. Since there were no fingerprints, DNA, alarms set off, or any other types of clues at the crime scene it was understandable that there was nothing much to go on. They haven’t given up though, they were looking for trace evidence in the blood now, and apparently it would take a couple days to process it.

Mom was alright, she and Dino were staying at our summer house on the other side of town. She asked me to come with, but Blade insisted that there were only a few more days left till school begins, and that it would be an easier commute for me. My Mom saw through this easily of course, but agreed, highly amused.

Dino was more then alright, he loved trips away from home. We all decided against telling him what had happened at home. I remember the last time I told him a scary story. He practically pissed his pants, and Mom gave me hell for weeks.

Blade laid his head in my lap, looking up at me, “What’s going through your mind?”

I looked down at him, and ran my fingers through his hair; he closed his eyes, clearly contented, “Nothing important.”

“Undoubtedly, it is. Otherwise you would have answered me the first time I called your name,” he mused.

“Just thinking about the last couple days,” I said, my eyes flicking towards the plasma and back.

Blade was staring at me intently, “We’ll get them don’t worry, no ones going to hurt you on my watch.”

He entwined the hand closest to him with his, and brought it to his lips, kissing it. My heart immediately burned with delight.

“I know, it’s just strange though you know. I mean, we have every possible alarm system in the world- electrically guarded borders, light sensors, heat sensors of the side of the house, the works. Not to mention we have guards twenty-four seven at the front gate, so its not as if anyone could be let in there. The surveillance camera’s got nothing, I highly doubt we have even one blind spot,” I rumbled on.

“I know, love,” he said, giving my hand a squeeze, “It’s absolutely bizarre to me too, and believe me, I rarely find anything bizarre. But come on; don’t think about this entire lark. Just forget about it for now, and just let’s talk about something else, okay?”

I smiled at him, and bit my lip slightly, pondering, “What do you even want to talk about,”


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